Your partner’s good mood has a huge impact on your health: study

You know the saying “What is yours”?

Well, it seems that this can be true for your husband’s socks.

A Recent studies Posted in the journal Psychonorendocrinology, it has been found that your partner’s good mood may be happy.

The research has shown that when someone’s partner is happy, it reduced their cortisol level. –

Researchers analyzed the data of 321 couple from Germany and Canada and discovered that when someone was feeling more black pepper than usual, it reduced the cortisol’s own level – stress hormone – even though they didn’t feel so good in starting.

This effect was even more clear in older adults who reported a high level of relationship satisfaction.

Interestingly, this reversal was not necessary – that is, no observation between one’s bad mood and his partner’s cortisol level.

Participants did not have spring chickens even during their honeymoon – their age was between 56 and 87, and the average relationship was 43.97 years old.

Thus, the lead writer Tomico UnidaAn assistant professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis, believes these results show that long -term, old couples find ways to protect each other from the effects of negative emotions.

Happy Older couple exercise
These results highlight the importance of trying to keep a good mood around your spouse. –

This is important, because adults can often find it difficult to regulate their mood with age. After the cortisol pressure incident, older adults have a tendency to stay high for a long time, and the old brain can struggle to adopt tension over time.

This can be a very sad experience – when you add chronic physical pain, low movement and social isolation.

These results highlight the importance of trying to maintain good mood around your spouse-because it can act as a psychological buffer for age-related stress.

“Having positive emotions with your relationship partner, can work as a social resource,” said Unda.

This is not the first time that science has emphasized the health benefits of a happy partner.

A 2016 study It has been found that people with pleasant spouses are more likely to report better health over time, regardless of their own level of happiness.

Likewise, an 85 -year -old long Harvard The research project concluded that pleasant weddings are the key to long, healthy life.

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