Ye makes offensive comments against Jewish community, says he has ‘dominion’ over his wife in tirade on X

Rapper, who was previously known as Kannie West, writing a barrage of posts on X on Friday morning, making aggressive comments about the Jewish community and said that he had “dominated” his wife.

Many posts were made on the account of the 47-year-old artist-many of them began to humiliate and boost themselves at 4am (7am) ​​at 4am. NBC News tried to reach your representatives to comment on posts.

Many of your posts were focused on the Jewish community, most of which were said, “I like Hitler” and “I am a Nazi.”

In the initial post, he wrote, “I never apologize to my Jewish comments. Whatever I can say-I want to say forever. To freeze my accounts, my f- —- Where is the apology?

He then told the Jews saying, “Don’t run me any more.” In a post, he wrote: “Some of my best friends are Jews and I do not trust any of them,” then laughing and crying emoji. Another, he posted, “I’m buying two mebach tomorrow” added, “IMA reads all these tweets to the Jewish man who is selling me and I bet that you are my backed whip.” Let’s see. “

He wrote in another post, “I am there for a reason for racist stereo types (SIC) and they are all true.”

“I don’t even know what F — anti-seatic means. It’s just some bulls —- Jews are designed to protect their bulls —-,” Rapper said in a Separate post.

In another post, he wrote, “All white people are racists” and “Jewish people actually hate whites and use black people.”

Another said: “I love when the Jews come to me and say that they can’t work with me so it is my choice.”

You had the X, which was previously known as Twitter, the account was suspended at least twice in the past.

His account was suspended in December 2022 after he made anti -Smithic comments and praised Hitler. The owner of X, Musk, said that your account would be suspended when he posted a photo showing Swastika inside a David star. Musk said the suspension was “to incite violence.” By July 2023, the account was restrained.

In October 2022, your account was restricted to anti -itatic comments, but next month he returned to the platform. In this case, he also gave antisemitic remarks, which led to a relationship with Eddie Dos Reaper.

Melstrom of your posts Friday morning also highlighted other topics, including his wife, Elon Musk and Sean “Daddy” Kings.

He wrote in the form of his wife, Ba’atika censorship, wrote: “I dominate my wife. This is not awakened as a gynecologist —.

Sunday at Grammy Awards on Sunday.Gilbert Flores / Billboard by Getty Images

“She’s with a billionaire. Why would she listen to any of you mute-broken b —— People say the shape of the red carpet was its decision. Yes, I don’t do anything he does not want but he certainly couldn’t work without my approval. I have no respect or sympathy for everyone that anyone can live with — not with me but I love some people and I favor them.

In another post on politics, he said that the then President Kamla Harris was “being used only for what he calls the black vote.”

A post was seen supporting the combination, which had previously been named as Puff Daddy.

“My support for Puff is completely self -sufficient. You wrote that I need to find anyone trying to get out of black Mogolis.

Combs, who are in federal custody and are being held in Brooklyn, was charged with sexual trafficking, quarrels and transportation in the southern district of New York in September. – Combus has denied all the allegations against him so far, including the federal criminal case and more than 30 civil legal cases filed against him.

You also said that every post he writes “Elon’s platform promotes.” Another post on Musk said: “Elon stole my Nazi swig at the opening occasion.”

During his speech at the opening rally, Musk said that the elections of 2024 “really made important importance” and keeping his right hand on his chest and then raising his arm, facing the crowded above After that, he turned and said, “My heart goes to you. It is thanks to you that the future of civilization has been assured.

Later, Musk cited the allegations that he presented Nazi Salami as “pure propaganda” and “dirty tricks”.

Less angry, many posts on your account have just appeared to incite their ego.

He wrote: “I am above another celebrity who is ever there. I look at them and they look at me, calling themselves” top “.

Another post said, “All the rapers want my place” and “Every wrapper wants to survive every raper Living I wish you wish you.”

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