You can make the matter that Nintendo is currently one of the most important studios. In addition to producing various entries in the famous Zenoblade Chronical Series, the company has worked directly in high -profile first -party games. Monetth Soft has collaborated in Zelda: King’s wild and tears breath, animal crossing: New Horizons, all spiral games, and more.
Yet, despite its incredible track record, Monalith struggles for more. The company’s co -founder and representative Director Herohide Sigiura has mentioned that the company will never be satisfied with stagnation and will always make a high quality goal.
As a part of Brochr of 2025 Company of Monetthh SoftSigura was asked about future goals and dreams. Below he shared the same in response, as Nintendo has translated everything:
“In comparison, when the company was founded in 1999, the number of staff has increased drastically, there are three development centers, and we have worked on many major titles. However, I do not think that things like success or success are quite satisfactory. As long as Monoleth Soft will remain, we will never be able to make a higher quality.”
Monalith Soft just released its latest game this week, Zenoblade Chronicles X: The final edition, which is the latest version of the WiI U RPG for the Nintendo Switch. An interesting news this week has come out that the game has a hidden mood that is getting it to run in 60 frames per second, about which you can read Here.
Translation provided by Nintendo everything by Philip Proctor, Satyamafs, and Simon Griffin.
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