WVW students excel at PA Junior Academy of Science – Wilkes-Barre Citizens’ Voice

14 students were presented at a regional meeting of the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science at the Woming Valley West School District. More than 500 students participated in the event held at Volks University, seven to 12, from 36 different schools.

The following students received the following awards in the mathematics category: the perfect score and the first award with the Junior High Excellence Award: Jonathan Bolan, eighth grade. Perfect Scores First Awards: Emily Bolan, 11th Grade; Parker Cardello, tenth grade; Patten Cardello, tenth grade; Yara Khatib, ninth grade; Swanna Rafos Franco, ninth grade Mad Medicine Stanuslo, ninth grade; Julia Lavili, eighth grade. First Awards: Gwen Chu, seventh grade; Patrick Schneider, seventh grade; Sam Wellen, seventh grade; Justin Alapec, eighth grade; Emanuel Dugg, ninth grade. The second award, Ariel Chu, 11th grade.

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