First nuclear weapons test, Code called “Trinite“On July 16, 1945, at 5:30 am in the New Mexico desert. This test was proof of the concept of secret nuclear science in Los Alamos. Manhattan Project During World War II and will cause atomic bombs to be dropped Hiroshima and NagasakiJapan, just a few weeks later.
Since the blasts, nuclear weapons growth has intensified. Countries around the world have made their own Nuclear storageThe United States has more than 5,000 nuclear warheads
Nevertheless, although the basic components of this technology are no longer secret, the development of nuclear weapons remains a scientific and engineering challenge. But why is it still so difficult to produce nuclear weapons?
A large part of the difficulty derives from exposing the chemical elements used within these weapons to create an explosion, Hans ChristinsonThe director of the Nuclear Information Project, in the Federation of American scientists, told Science directly in an email.
“This basic idea of ​​a nuclear explosion is that atomic [fissile] He said the material is encouraged to release them with great energy. [and] This production requires considerable industrial capacity. “
Related: How many nuclear bombs have been used?
The tremendous release of energy is called A Nuclear fusion reactions. When this reaction takes place, the reaction of the chain begins where Nuclear Different for energy release. This is the same type of reaction that makes Nuclear energy Possibly
Uranium and plutonium enrichment
Fasil material within the nuclear bombs mainly has uranium and asotypes of plutonium, which are radioactive elements, Matthew ZephiProfessor of practice in nuclear engineering in the state of Pan, told Science directly. Uranium’s most common isotop, uranium -238 (U -238), the ear is excavated and then passes through the enrichment process to convert a section into another Isotop, uranium -235 (U -235), which can be used more easily in nuclear reactions.
“One way to strengthen uranium is to convert it into gas and to rotate it very quickly,” said Zeifi. “Due to a massive difference between U -235 and U -238, the isotopuses are divided, and you can separate the U -235.”
For the grade uranium of weapons, 90 % of the U-238 sample need to be converted to U-235, Zeph said. The most difficult part of this process, which can take from weeks to months, is a chemical change of the factor, which requires extreme energy and special equipment. A Chemical risk This process has a possible release of uranium hexaflooride (UF₆), Extremely toxic substance If, if breathed, the kidneys, liver, lungs, brain, skin and eyes can be damaged.
He said that the process of rich plutonium with the same degree is even more difficult, as this factor is not naturally like uranium. Instead, plutonium is a product of nuclear reactors, which means using plutonium, scientists need to spend radioactive, nuclear fuel and process materials through “severe” chemical deposits. The risk of protecting this material can also be caused if a Critical moss Zifi said, accidentally collected, which is the smallest amount of fastest materials needed to maintain a self -retaining fiber response.
He said, “You will be very careful when you are in the process of making these ingredients, make sure things do not come together inadvertently and enter into any kind of criticism.”
Related: Why leave the shadow of people standing on the sidewalk by falling an atom bomb on Hiroshima?
Although the scientific principles of collecting these ingredients are well understood, it can still be difficult to create and control this reaction in a section of a second.
“The weapons have been developed in such a way that when they are exploded, a ‘supercompntical’ of the physician is widespread … a very small place, said Zefi. “This is almost a significant increase in the number of fusion spread throughout the material immediately.”
He said that this sharp spread of the atom -firm is a major part of it, making the nuclear reaction so destructive.
In the case of thermonicular weapons, which were developed after World War II and both use a combination of nuclear Fusion and fusion Even more stronger blasts, a standard -feder reaction, then have to give rise to secondary and strong fusion reaction. This fusion reaction is the same kind of power in the center of the sun.
Testing nuclear weapons
Once these weapons are made, scientists and engineers need to ensure that the weapons will work as needed, should they ever be used. When nuclear weapons were first developed, scientists used to test weapons at test sites (That destroyed The atmosphere of the “deserted” areas where they were tested, and People and animals who lived nearby) On the contrary, modern weapons testing relies on computer model. This is part of the work done by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).
“NNSA … Development[s] An NNSA spokesperson told Science directly in an email, “Tools to qualify for weapons components and confirm weapons, ensure their survival and effectiveness in various landscapes.
After all, the complexity and challenges of the construction of these weapons can be explained as to why there are so many nuclear superpowers in the world today.