Wheeling Police Investigate Attempted Robbery at National Road Business | News, Sports, Jobs

The wheeling police is searching for a man who entered Gambi in 1000 block of National Road on Sunday, demanding a note of money and then fled the establishment.

Police were called around 8:30 pm after receiving a 911 call about the incident.

A witness told police that a man had gone inside a man with a note demanding money, but immediately after that he fled the area. No weapons were shown, and no one was hurt.

The suspect is described as a white man with a glass, who wore a black jacket, a blue scarf and green sweat at the time of the incident.

If anyone has information, they can call WPD to 304-234-3664, crime stoppers Upper Ohio Valley on 877-TIPS-4US, or indicate online crimes: Wwv.gov/crimetip.

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