What’s behind Trump’s call to take over Gaza? | Israel-Palestine conflict News

The first president of the United States, Donald Trump, told the Gaza Strip on January 20 about being a “extraordinary place”, where “beautiful things can be done”. Then on January 26, there was a close advice near Kuff, where he told reporters of Air Force One that the Palestinians should be moved to Egypt and Jordan to “clean” the enclave.

The question of whether it was a serious advice, and whether it would be temporary or permanent to be displaced by Palestinians, it was not clear, as Trump had occasionally made comments on the subject.

But then, on Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared in the White House – during the first official visit of a foreign leader since the inauguration of the new president – Trump announced a bomb blast that he announced The United States will “take power” and “take over itself” “Gaza, in the hope that the Palestinians will go to other countries”, which will basically money for ethnicity.

On Wednesday, his press secretary, Crown Levit, said that Trump did not affiliate with US troops on Earth in Gaza, and that people living there would be “temporarily shifted”, while about the project. Will provide some other details that are widely underway. Palestinians, Arab states – including Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia – and many countries internationally have been rejected.

Here you need to know about Trump’s proposal and if they are serious or if it is possible.

Why did Trump declare Gaza? And what does he actually want?

It is often difficult to determine Trump’s real intentions. The person who released a book called the Art of the Dell is proud of the intelligence of the negotiating, and what is his initial status and what is the last purpose can be difficult to distinguish. Or even if there is a final purpose right now.

“Trying to make Donald Trump psychologically a waste is a waste,” said Jasmine El Gamel, a Middle Eastern policy analyst, a Middle East policy analyst. “No one knows what is in Trump’s head.”

He continued, “It’s hard to imagine his belief [the US] Can go, get people out, and as Trump said, invite ‘people of the world’ to stay there. This is absolutely imaginary… In the meantime, it is not important to continue to normalize such ideas, but it is important to examine the reality based on Arab positions.

This announcement may be an attempt to make Israel’s right – who have demanded illegal Israeli settlement of Gaza – after their anger at their support for the ceasefire to end the war against the enclave.

This can also be interpreted as an attempt to strengthen the Arab states for the reconstruction of Gaza. “[Trump’s announcement] Waltz said the entire region is about to bring in its solution.

How is it possible for America to take over Gaza?

Trump’s comments also surprised his most enthusiastic supporters-El Gamel called Republican South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham an example. Graham also suspected his support, even Trump’s Mac America once again based on a base, for the soldiers on the ground in Gaza, made by several other Republicans.

And then there is the reality of 2 million Palestinians who will be expelled from their land – do not want to go to the majority, as hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have immediately returned to the north of Gaza, who have been displaced. In the south of the area during the war.

There is no doubt that Gaza will have armed resistance to any attempt to ethnicly to Palestinians, and that Israel has abducted Gaza during more than 15 months – more than 61,000 Palestinians. Killed – his army has failed to crush Palestinian resistance forces.

In fact, despite the loss of Hamas, the group has allegedly recruited more and more fighters because it has lost and repaired most of its infrastructure.

Tariq Kenny Shua, a US policy fellow of the Palestinian think tank, said that there were a number of reasons that the deportation of Palestinians from Gaza would not be out of the way Trump’s way, and the possibility of achieving the president’s goals. Will eliminate, such as normalizing between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Kenny Shua said, “Holding the United States” Gaza will not only hinder the possibility of US interests in the region, but it will also fly against the hearts of the first principles of the United States.

Kentucky’s Republican Senator Rand Paul, a tough US isolation, popular in Trump’s base, told the point in a social media post on Wednesday, “I thought we voted for the United States first.” There is no business that is considering another profession to punish its treasures and spread the blood of its soldiers.

Sami Ham, a journalist, adviser and political adviser, said that Trump’s supporters had difficulty imagining the presence of US troops in Gaza. He told Al Jazeera, “Instead, it may be that Trump emphasizes an agreement under which regional powers that are hot for Israel, form a Gaza regional ‘peace’ force.

What is the status of the Arab allies of the United States?

El Gamel pointed out that US partners in the region immediately rejected Trump’s proposal.

“Saudi Arabia was so intended to broadcast the same message that it issued a statement at 4:30 am. He did not wait for business times to say that he was a non -starter.” Can’t be without approval and participation, so the question becomes, what is the alternative to the project? “

King Abdullah of Jordan is scheduled to visit the White House next week. Press Secretary Levit has indicated that the king can change his view and accept Palestinian refugees from Gaza, just as other world leaders have supported Trump since re -affecting the presidency. –

Is Gaza’s foreign occupation a new idea?

Israeli politicians have long been focused on taking Gaza.

Israel had earlier built illegal settlements in Gaza before it was transferred by former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in 2005. Israel has then extended illegal settlements and occupied East Jerusalem in the occupied West Bank.

Sharon justified the withdrawal from Gaza, saying that Jews never have a majority in Gaza. However, Israel controlled its access to Gaza and airspace, implemented a siege since 2007, comparing the enclave with the “Open Air Prison”.

At the beginning of the war against Gaza, a leak document from the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence proposed to the Palestinian movement from the region to the Egyptian desert.

Netanyahu presented this idea to the public – ethnicity is against international law. But his supporters, including ministers in the government, have continued to move forward. And after Trump’s announcement, the Israelis welcomed the idea in the political arena.

“This idea is very unconscious, but Israelis have for a long time,” said Diana Batto, a former adviser to the Palestinian Liberation Organization and Israeli Palestinian expert.

“This is not unique to Trump,” he told Al Jazeera.

How does Trump benefit?

In March 2024, Trump’s son -in -law, Gerard Kushner, advised that Israel should remove the Palestinian population from Gaza and clean the bandage, saying that “Gaza’s water front property could be very valuable”.

He added that the population could be taken to the desert of the veil (Negio) in Egypt or southern Israel. Israel supports the former and refuses to consider the latter.

Analysts say Kushner is a real property tycoon, which was entrusted with the management of Israel’s Palestinian peace process during Trump’s first presidential term, which has been effectively defused for two decades.

During his recent address, Trump echoed some of Kushner’s emotions.

“[We’ll] Make it an international, incredible place. I think the Gaza Strip is unbelievable.

“And I think the whole world, representatives of the whole world, will be there and they will be there,” he added.

Batto believes that Trump is ignoring the welfare of Palestinians, their history or culture.

“Who will you decide that we want the Middle East’s Royer who completely exempt our history?” He argued.

“[The majority] Gaza’s population is not even from the Gaza Strip and they just want to go to their homes [in what is today Israel]. Why is this not a more practical option?

Is Trump’s plan part of Netanyahu’s Hamas end?

True, Hamas’s “elimination” is often presented as a purpose and one of the reasons for eliminating destruction on Gaza, but observers say Israel’s real motivations are different.

There is an excuse from the Israelis to make sure. They have always insisted on such a ‘divine claim’ in Gaza. It withdraws before October 2023, “said political adviser Hamdi.

“In this regard, Israeli welcomes Trump’s announcement [about expelling all the people in Gaza]. However, Trump also imposed a ceasefire, which did not want much of the Israelis. My focus is that Trump is not inclined to support the continuation of the war and wants to find a way to empty Gaza without anyone.

Hamdi also suspected that Hamas could be completely eliminated.

“Many people still support Hamas. We saw that after the ceasefire. He said, “Resistance” is more old than Hamas, and Hamas is a recent manifestation of it because Palestinians try to stop Israel’s infinite pressure to expel Israel’s homes.

“Many people in Washington are now asking for themselves. If they go there [as Trump has said] Resistance can be set on fire. Are the United States and the American people – ready for another Vietnam?

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