New York Times Magazine and Well are working on a video project about happiness. We hope – through a different approach – looks like happiness during human life, and many different forms that take it into it. If you are interested in participating, please send a short Video To answer the following question to yourself:
What was the happiest moment of your life so far?
We are most interested in specific stories with an early, middle and end – for example, a story about a family breakfast in a new apartment after being displaced. The memory of a college student’s memories is missed with his friends to increase the nighttime. Remembering the first conversation of an octogen, he did with his wife a few years ago at dinner. Please keep requests for less than a minute.
If your video has been selected to join the project, we will arrive to follow with you. You have to provide contact information with your submission. We will not publish your name or any part of your submission without contacting you before. And we will not share your contact information outside the Times newsroom or use it for any reason other than you contact.
Please follow these instructions for your video:
Film yourself while talking directly on the camera, and just send vertical videos.
Delete the camera lens before filmmaking.
Check if you are recording “video” mode, not “Slow Mo” or “cinema”.
Avoid filmmaking in low light conditions. If you filming at night, stay close to the source of light.
Keep the light in front of you, so that your face is well bright.
Make sure that the lens is not obstructed by your fingers or other items in your frame.
Keep the camera stable and move limited.