What To Know About The Kansas Tuberculosis Outbreak


The spread of tuberculosis in Kansas has become the largest recorded outbreak of the disease in the United States, with nearly 70 active cases since last year.

Key facts

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has reported from Friday to 2024 to 67 “spread -related cases”, 60 of them are in Vendoti County – which covers Kansas City – and seven in Johnson County, which Vendoty is just south. .

About 79 79 outbreaks, which means TB, which means TB but that person is not ill, has been reported from 2024, as well as most of which were in Vendotti County.

KDHE spokesman, Jal Brunov, said Topika Capital Journal In this outbreak, “at this time, the largest documentary in American history,” citing a sharp number of matters in a short time.

Health officials said the general risk to the public, including counties around Vandotti, is “low”.

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What are the symptoms of tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is caused by bacteria that usually affect the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body. Centers for Disease Control Lists Symptom A bad cough due to active tuberculosis in the lungs lasts for three or more weeks, chest pain and coughing blood or mucus. Symptoms of active TB that are moving out of the lungs include:

  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • No hunger
  • Looking cold
  • Temperature
  • It is sweating at night.

How do you get tuberculosis?

According to the CDC, tuberculosis germs spread through one person to another, which means that if a active TB cough, speaks or sings, one can be affected by the disease. The germs can be in the air for hours, and the germs are more likely to spread indoors or in the air -circulatory areas. The CDC says that TB cannot be spread by shaking hands, distributing food or drinks or kissing, the CDC says, and passive, or in -tuberculosis. The germs cannot spread, but it can be dynamic without treatment.

What is the treatment of tuberculosis?

In passive and active tuberculosis can be treated with antibiotics. A doctor will outline a TB -affected treatment project in which it will be presented for how many times, how many times and how long. The treatment of passive tuberculosis may take three to nine months and usually include some combination of three medicines. Cdc. The treatment of active TB may take four to nine months and usually contain a combination of six different drugs.


13 million. How many people are there? CDC’s estimate Lives in the United States with passive tuberculosis. If they are not treated, one in 10 of them will be found to be active TB.

Wonderful reality

Most tuberculosis cases in the United States are commonly found in four states: California, Texas, New York and Florida. Cdc It is reported that in 2023, like the previous years, these four states have jointly participated in 50.6 % of all affairs of the country.

Fiction title

Cansas tuberculosis is now the largest US in recorded history (Topika Capital Journal)

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