Gaston College Small Business Center is preparing another free business summit this spring.
Here are three things to find out about the event.
What is covered?
This year’s summit will include workshops:
- Marketing SEO (Search engine correction)- a seminar that breaks the basics of improving your website exposure
- Government Agreement- Students learn what happens in winning a government contract
- Business Credit Construction- Students learn what happens in setting up your business credit
- Business tax-NC will cover basic requirements to help businesses understand the rules and responsibilities necessary to be taxed.
Students will also listen to industry experts.
- From 9am to 2pm March 19, at Gaston College Lincoln Campus
- 9am to April 2, April 9, at Gaston College Dallas Campus
Additional information
Although the event is free to attend, registration is required and can be viewed by viewing
Lunch is provided at the seminar, and participants will have the opportunity to network with the speaker and other small business owners.
The event includes speakers:
- Michelle Paller, owner of Wocarubin Marketing
- Jackie Spareman, director of the Government Procurement Assistance Program (GCAP) at the North Carolina Small Business and Technical Development Center (SBTDC),
- Edward Shamkar, Trainer of the North Carolina Department of Revenue, Education and Outreach Division
- Crystal Mall, Small Business Banker at South State Bank