The parrot is so expert in imitating people that the Avon Monkar has become synonymous with repetition. Still, as long as we know about the incredible ability for the birds, how they manage such complex and flexible sounds. A new study peek into the brain and offers a piece of puzzle, and it has significant similarity with the human nerve region that controls the speech.
Research, Appeared on March 19 In the journal NatureParrots (and especially parasites) can be a model of human speech study, helping scientists better understand and treat speech defects. It also increases the growing steak of scientific results, which shows that “birds’ brain” is not too humiliated after all. Many of our friends show impressive memory, learning, counting and reasoning abilities. This latest study indicates that when it comes to talking- human beings are brainwashed to some extent on birds (or at least buddies), and we should be proud.
Common paraksites, also known as Budregger or Budgigi, are a small, neon green and yellow species of Australian parrots that are often sold as pets. In the wild, they live in a social flock, communicate through long wild songs, eat seeds, and fly into groups where the next best food is likely to be. In confinement, he is known to maintain his social trends Copying human phrases. Puck, a pet Budreger who lived until 1994, stands as a current Guinies World Record Holder For the biggest word bird, an impressive 1,728 words.
To understand how these birds accurately imitate people and produce many clear voices, the authors of this study surgically conducted a small investigation into the four -paraset brain in a particular region associated with Srinks, Avenue Vocal Organ. After that, he collected nervous activity from each bird when his voice was raised. He compared the Buggie data to humans and zebra fans, so, Songbirds, which are commonly used in scientific research, which have less elastic vocal reservoirs than parasites.
He found the Parakate brain region, which he focused on, called the previous arcopylium (AAC), the equivalent of the zebra -fencing, which works more like some parts of the human cortex attached to the motor function than the region. In the zebra fans, it seems that the sound is coded by the complex, unprecedented ranks of neuron activity. Every voice has a unique mind ‘barcode’ that happens to it. The zebra fans learn and repeat complex songs, but their mental activity suggests that what they have learned or have limited ability to improve.
Bidreggers, a highly social species, use flexible sound to interact with each other. In this video Gray Bird is called Hopfield, Green is called Hunton and Blue is called Touring. Credit: Zetian Yang and Andrew Behl
Zebra Finch Given the waves of the brain, “We can’t make its head or tail,” Michael LongCo -author of the study and a neuro scientist at the NYU Grassman School of Medicine. “We don’t see any indication of the truth Note That they sing the birds, “he tells Popular science. “We can see the activity, and whenever those birds sing their songs, that activity is the same, but there is no clear sheet music for this song.
On the contrary, both the buggy and the human brain work in more modular fashion. Birds and people are seen encoded sound through cautious, repetitive nervous paths. In the human brain, there are specific lips or muscle movements of tongue Associated with some neuron samples. The contacts are clear that scientists have previously used these types of mental gestures to translate and reproduce the desired speech in people who have in fact lost their ability to speak.
Similarly, in Parakate AAC, neurons fire the sound and type of birds according to the voice and type. He explained, “This is a kind of sound keyboard. “It seems that individual sounds and head voices are moving, even a whole spectrum of different pitches that we can find in B -flat cells.
Budgie nerve activity is so closely linked to cherries, warblers, and tell the birds that the long and its co -researchers can chart the unrealistic frequency of a call based on the gestures of five neurons, which is almost precisely healthy. This is the first time that such a brain has been categorized in inhumane, long notes.
Observations offer “interesting paths for future research” Joshua NeonuybleA neuro scientist from the University of Delaware who was not involved in this study, A piece of view together.
Follow -up work, Long and its co -researchers hope that they will go beyond the AAC and expose high -order brain regions that may be playing the keys to the idiomed brain inside the brain. For example, how does a bird choose to take some sounds on others? He is also cooperating with the machine learning researchers with the intention of “translating” the paracases through his voice.
Nevertheless, one of the most promising veins of future research is in the likelihood of using paracases as a model biology that is to study many things that may be wrong in human speech.
Neonobel writes, “Such studies promise to advance speech treatment and influence mental -computer interface technologies. Parakit and human brains can be separated from 300 million years of evolution, but surprisingly, the contradictory nervous system that allows us to address the science of science and diarrhea is to interfere. Can understand better.
Long says, “This makes me get out of bed in the morning, wondering how to help those whose voices can be snatched.”