Steve Brand’s Photo-Warrotburg College’s Jojo Tenzma (Center) competed at 2pm on Saturday, competing at 2pm, qualifying for the final of the Saturday’s Division III National Indoor Track and Field Championship in the 60-meter barrier.
The track and field career of the Jojo Tysona is so fulfilled that it may seem strange to think that it feels like it has an incomplete business. But she does.
2022 South Tamma Graduate, and now Wartburgh Standout, won the eighth position at the Golisano Training Center at the Campus at the University of Rochester, New York, with the eighth position in the NCAA Division III Indoor Track and Field Championship at the Finance and Field Championship.
The Tysona was the last qualifier, which was ranked eighth in 8.71 seconds. The final of the 60 -meter barrier of women is scheduled at 2:10 pm on Saturday.
The Tysema had the most decorated track and field carrier in the history of the South. It has five STC school running records, the state track mats have been medals nine times, including 400 obstacles, including state titles.
All this was completed in just three seasons when its Sophomor track season was canceled due to the Kovide 19 global pandemic diseases, which also wiped out the senior season of his older sister Isabel in Wartburg, where he was also a regular qualifier for national meetings.
Photo of Steve Brant. The Jojo Tenzism attacked the first obstacle in the 60 -meter barrier during the US River Conference Meeting on March 1.
He said the STC team had some strong opening weeks before the season ended in March, he said.
The Tennessa now reflects, “Losing my sophomore season was hard.” “Thinking about these ways again, I think it just shows what could have happened.”
She has been determined to make up for the lost time since then.
Although the quad injury was identified in her junior year, she still managed to include two state medals in her yesterday.
“At the state meeting, this injury impressed me, but I managed to compete my younger brother Tommy at the offer of my first state, which was really entertaining,” Tansma said.
During his senior campaign in the STC, everything came together. She was healthy, and she managed to capture something that brought her to the place: a state championship. Tennism set the school record in 400 obstacles (1: 03.65) and easily developed the Wantist Darkee Wiseman (1: 03.73) to capture gold.
She became the first individual woman’s state champion of the STC in a school history program.
“This was one of my favorite memories of my high school career.” I was not expecting it honestly. I just tried to close the gap in the last turn. In the same meeting, Tenzum also had 100 obstacles and Open 200 (Both Schools Records and Rules and Finals.
Tenzism noted, “We were a small and close group.” It was really pleasant as a program because we had many people in many programs and we got to hear many friends and family from the South that he was happy around the track. “
When everything was said and done, it was a great track and field career in the history of the STC. But the Tysema still had a question about the “What if” about the 2020 season.
Since the STC track and field season were closing in the north for Jojo in the spring of 2020, his sister lost his senior track season at Wart Wartburgh College. Isabel was a standout track athlete on his own. He still owns a record at the Open 400 in the STC. In Wartburg, he qualified for the citizens of Division III every year, including the third position outdoor 4 × 400 relay team. But a day before that he competed in the Indoor Division III of 2020, this season was called, and the entire external season was also called. Along with Isabel, there was an incomplete business for Jojo.
When Jojo came time to choose his college, the decision was easy. She followed in the footsteps of her sister Isabel and went to the Wartburg.
“For me, I knew that if I was going to drive in college, this wart is going to be becoming a wartburg.” “With me in the ballet program before me, I learned a lot about the training there and I knew the head coach (Marx) Newsom at the personal level.”
The result of this decision has ended.
“The track and field program in Wartburg has had a lot of fun and I have been able to develop in many ways,” said Jojo. “I have team partner who force me to be the best version of myself.”
Although she acknowledges that it took some time to make practice routines, which quickly achieved her success in high school. During his latest season in Wartburg, he and his colleagues in the distance medal relay won the fourth in the Indoor National Meeting. He also qualified in three programs at the outdoor National Meeting. As a Sophomor, he qualified in three programs among indoor citizens and won the top 20 final in each. At the Outdoor National Meeting, he also ran in three programs, including 400 obstacles ending the third position.
So far, in all of the Wartburgh’s floor track and field history, Jojo has placed the top 10 times in five different women -run events.
Since its junior year Indoor season ends this spring, which has continued to increase its definition. At the American River Conference Indoor Mate two weeks ago, he won 60 meters barriers, opened second in the Open 400, Open 200, and finished second for the 4 × 400 relay team. For the second consecutive year, it was voted as Matt’s most valuable track performer.
Jojo already has a lot of success on his track and field resum é. But it is not difficult to find the maximum stimulation.
Jojo said, “I get motivated by growing with three siblings. He said,” We have played a lot of games and always made competitions around anything. I and my colleagues mobilize each other. And I really enjoy the track and field game and love to compete at the highest level. “
But there was another stimulus that Jojo referred to as New York.
“Coach Newsom and I always discuss the senior season of my sister Belle, which was reduced because of the pandemic disease. We like to talk about it that I have my sister, even here I am: incomplete business.”
Steve Brand’s Photo-Warrotburg College’s Jojo Tenzma (Center) competed at 2pm on Saturday, competing at 2pm, qualifying for the final of the Saturday’s Division III National Indoor Track and Field Championship in the 60-meter barrier.
Photo of Steve Brant. The Jojo Tenzism attacked the first obstacle in the 60 -meter barrier during the US River Conference Meeting on March 1.