W.Va. looks to lessen travel sports restrictions

Charleston, WWA (WSA Z) – The Western Virginia Standing Committee for Education met on Monday to discuss the House Bill 2355.

Bill’s sponsor, Dale Joe Joe Monongalia, said it would relieve the restrictions of middle and high school students who wanted to play in travel teams.

John Adams Middle School’s head coach of the girl’s football team, J. C.Puletti, said he had seen the side effects of the current rules.

“At the age of 12 or 13, having a chance to play in front of a college coach is a great opportunity that we do not give our players in West Virginia,” said Sipoli.

The WVSSAC has restrictions on how many players can participate in sports and methods. This is one of the reasons, said David Price, executive director of WVSSAC.

“The lack of surveillance and at the time in which they enter, the risk of injury increases and we know.”

Price also said that students who prefer school sports are better for the development of players.

He said, “I am leaving someone I have made a covenant, so what we are teaching children outside and I know that this is a philosophical thing, but it is always in my mind how we respect it and how we do it and maintain the classroom extension.”

Sipolitan told lawmakers that coaching of his experience can be done properly by controlling the risk of injury and commitment.

“As long as it is managed, this is not a problem and can be better than it is managed with all the people involved.”

Sipolate said that he had seen students struggling to make decisions while playing with fellow fellow fellow fellow fellow colleagues without the same rules.

“They have Kentucky players who can play both sports and from Western Virginia who can only play their school games or play their club games only during the fall. Unfortunately, Western Virginia children do not play school, middle school in the fall.

Bill’s sponsor, Dale Joe Steeller, said that if students have scheduled controversy, school sports will be preferred.

Legislators say the bill goes to the next committee meeting at the markup and passage stage where it will be voted to amend or send the house floor.

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