ATA boarding schools in Kiev, Cadets are training Ukraine to become the youngest soldier – and help defending their country against Russia’s devastating attack. The House is the home of hundreds of youths – one of the three such institutions in the Military High School – Ukraine.
According to the Deputy Head, Dimitro Yermulinco, the life of the cadets, which remains at this facility for two years before 18 years of age, is strictly choreography. They say that young people are provided with organized military training and learn strict discipline.
One of the recruits is 16 -year -old Yion, whose childhood dream was to attend school. His grandfather, a decoration general, set the example. The generations of this family served as artillery, submarines and intelligence officers, but Yuen wants to be a fighter pilot. He explained, “This is a very important task right now. If the Yayyan is successful, he can train Dutch or Danish F16 by next year.
School days continue from 6.50 to 9.30 am, with cadets taking classes on topics, including mathematics, physics and history as well as firearms, gas attacks and battlefield strategies. Their day begins with exercise and ends. Among the classes, the cadets are in line to check through their commanders before they step into their next activity. On Sunday, they can go wherever they want. They enter the city, meet their families or stay in school to spend free time with their friends. Of the 600 students, 50 are women.
Even despite fighting on Ukraine’s wider frontline, applications for joining school have increased rapidly after the Russian invasion. Jermulinco says the number is four times higher than 2021. More than half of the military families come from. The school also takes foster children and orphans, some of whom have lost their parents either in fighting or by Russian air strikes.
After graduating, more than 90 % of cadets enroll in military universities or join armed forces units nationwide. As young officers, they are the future of Ukraine’s ability to defend themselves. Until then, they live. However, each of them understands what the future is.
Drone strikes are common in Kiev. Almost every night, as the deadly Shahidis approaches the city, the air raid looks like an alarm. The cadets have two minutes to wear clothes and flee to their bomb shelter: boarding school is considered a military target. Life in school stops becoming a drill.
The Russian attack has already spent the lives of 66 cadets, all of which have been killed in the operation since February 24, 2022. He insisted, “I will not sit and see it from home.