Tuberculosis outbreak in Kansas becomes largest in US since 1950s

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According to the State Health Department, after the monitoring began in the 1950s, a wave of tuberculosis cases killing Kansas, Kansas, Metro area, the largest documentary TB spread in the United States in the United States. The status quo has been taken.

The outbreak cases were first reported in January 2024, and two TB deaths were reported. Last year, Jal Brunov, a spokesman for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, affiliated with the outbreak, said on Tuesday.

“This outbreak is still going on, which means it may have more matters,” Bronvan said in an email. “We are working with the CDC’s guidance and following it.”

Until Friday, at least 67 people have been treated for treated active TB infection SpreadThere have been certified cases of 79, in which TB has been detected in the body but it does not cause disease and does not make people sick.

TB germs spread from one person to another by a long contact with someone who has an active infection. With people Okit infection cannot spread TB bacteria For others, but if the bacteria becomes mobilized, the infections can develop in TB disease.

“TB is an infectious disease that often affects the lungs and is caused by a type of bacteria. When these affected people cough, speak or sing, it spreads into the air.” There is little risk of infection, but KDHE is working to ensure that patients are getting proper treatment, which will limit the ability to spread the disease and prevent additional cases “”

The health department has not said what is the reason for its outbreak. The affected local departments are working with each patient to identify possible close contacts and TB testing without price. State Agency’s website.

According to the Department of Health, people who do positive tests will be screened further to determine whether they have an active TB disease or a TB infection, “which according to the Department of Health,” which Will help determine treatment. “The disease is treatable and is often treated with one Standard course Drugs that usually include antibiotics.

According to the State Health Department website, “Treatment will be provided by the Patient’s Department of Health Department, and if the person is not insured or covered through health insurance, it is free. I will be provided. ” “The Department of Health staff will be in touch with patients during treatment to help stay on the course and address their questions or concerns.”

The National Association of County and City Health officials are overseeing the news about the spread of tuberculosis in Kansas, but there is concern that no information is being shared at the national level while Federal health agencies have been ordered to stop communications.

“Information exchange is really important and helps to create and guide these outbreaks, and we have a lot of decrease in it right now, which is why it is about if we have any significant up. Delivery or things that are dealing with the disease how people are dealing with the disease, Lori Trimele Freeman said on Tuesday, “What to find and how to find it.” To stop. ”

CNN has reached US centers to curb the disease and to comment on the outbreak.

At the national level, the counting of tuberculosis in the United States has increased in 2023 in groups of all ages and mostly reporting. Report released by CDC last year. The number of cases reported increased from 8,320 to 9,615 in 2022, and the TB rate increased from 2.5 cases to 100,000 people in 2022 to 2.9 in 2023. But the report emphasizes that the United States is the lowest TB “. Rates in the world” and that most Americans are “the least risk” for TB.

Anyone can get tuberculosis, but people are at risk of being Exposed If they were to TB’s germs Born or travel frequently to countries where the disease is normal; If they live in large group settings where TB can be more common, such as Homeless sheltersFor, for, for,. Prisons or jails; Or if they work in places where the spread of TB is more likely, such as hospitals, homeless shelters, correction facilities and nursing homes.

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Every year, about 10 million people worldwide get sick of the disease, though it is treatable and treatable, and kills about 1.5 million people, making it the “largest infectious killer in the world”. Is World Health Organization.

Along with screening, TB can be stopped with protocols like Vaccination And make sure those who are affected should end their treatment. This vaccine is usually not used in the United States because of Low TB events rate.

TB bacteria -infected people are at 10 % risk of getting sick, and individuals with compromised immune systems – such as HIV or diabetic individuals or those who use tobacco are more at risk. Is Being sick.

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