Trump’s staggering offensive against science

tHe launched against science by the Trump administration, is unusual, and it is most surprising as it comes from a democratic country. It is surprising to stop the barbarism of civil servants, obstruction of funds and research programs. The move has come up with a list of conditions that should no longer be used in research and working papers – climate, pollution, injustice, gender or race reference … so much so that some scientists have begun to form different sentences to pass Trump’s tips.

When the language is tortured to such an extent, the reason is that the facts are disturbing. In the guise of fraud and waste, Trump’s aggression has the roots. According to the agenda of the Project 2025, developed by the Altrocessorous Think Tanks, it aims to remove any move on the “diversity, equity and inclusion” programs from the educational world and government agencies. But also to hinder the work that justifies climate and environment damage, health, and the rules that the industry does not want.

Column Only users “Trump’s war against science is a terminal phase of a long illness that was ignored by the initial symbols.”

This war against science in the United States is part of a global background in declining educational independence. In 2024, 45.5 % of the world’s population, or 3.6 billion people live in an environment that lacks academic freedom. A index developed by Frederick Alexander University of Aerinization-Noorberg It is not surprising in Germany, China, Russia and India are at the bottom of the ranking. These figures, which are published annually, have noted a clear decline in the United States since 2019, under Republican pressure, 2019. There is no doubt that future editions will reflect the ongoing aggression.

‘The golden period of ignorance’

In the United States, the heavenly electricity exification suggests that it is a delicate thing to clarify the results of freedom, nurturing knowledge, but also to clarify the consequences of our technical evolution. According to the science historian Robert Proctor, the “golden era of ignorance” in which we are entering, is a form of an active struggle against the establishment of facts about the reality of climate and environmental crisis, about the method of social injustice. When everything is a matter of opinion, as is in the majority of social media and parts of the media, the enlightened democratic debate is obstructed or prevented.

Science is a global enterprise, which is often shared. The damage to US research efforts will also react to international programs to collect and translate the necessary data for the future of our planet, but also to our understanding of the universe.

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What can be done? A country in France, who is already struggling to offer its scientists to offer decent life and research conditions, cannot tolerate the move, launched by President Emmanuel Macron in 2017, to welcome “conflicting” American scientists. For an expensive reception policy, the scale should be European. As in the Atlantic Ocean, steps should be taken to copy and protect the database found at risk. This is a critical moment, and one that calls for immediate creativity from both scientists and European leaders.

Lee Monde

Translate an original article published in French -on Lemonnd.Fer; The publisher can only be responsible for the French version.

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