Trump’s claim that Mexican cartels and government are allied is not reality | Mexico

Mexico breathed a sigh of relief this week when Donald Trump delayed his threatening prices for a month, apparently turned away from the economic crisis at the last minute.

But one aspect of wholesale still ranks: the Trump administration’s ambiguous but shocking accusation of the “unbearable coalition” between the Mexican government and organized crime.

The phrase identified a step change in the US conversation, and made every headline in Mexico. But experts say it loses its mark.

“Of course, Mexico is a problem of corruption,” said Carlos Perez Recort, a Mexico City political scientist. “But the Mexican government is not an ally of organized crime. And those who say that it is lying, or just do not know or understand Mexico. “

Wil Freeman, a colleague of the Foreign Relations Council, said that organized crime can be seen everywhere but as an uneven “parallel power”. “Sometimes it works with the state. Sometimes it fights it. Sometimes they are just side by side, Freeman said.

Corruption is the most found at a municipal level, which is the minimum safe layer of the state, and where criminal groups seek agreements with authorities to deepen their control over the local area and its business.

It was in the exhibition during the 2024 elections, when More than 30 Candidates were killed because criminal groups fought for influence. But corruption has also increased.

Several state governors have been handed over for organized crime relations for the United States, while the Trump administration has cited the case of former security chief Genero Garcia Luna, who recently accused of taking bribe from Sanalova Cartel. The US prison was sentenced to 38 years in prison.

Subsequently, former Defense Minister Salvador Sanifiegos was charged with allegations of drug trafficking at Los Angeles Airport, only under pressure from the Mexican government.

Sicilia Farfan Mandiz, a researcher at the University of California in San Diego, said, but such matters were not equal to unity, a term that stopped the entire government.

“The manner in which it is described shows that all of this has been done with the knowledge of the Mexican government and almost happily,” said Farfin Mendez. “No one denies the existence of corruption in Mexico. But it is very different from saying [the government is] An active partner.

The American frustration may have been born with the idea that the Mexican government has more intelligence. Freeman said, “The army has such a power in Mexico.” I think they see and hear everything that is going. “

But inadequacy can only reflect different preferences: While the United States wants to go behind high drug smugglers, Mexico basically wants to reduce violence. And in practice, these goals often go against each other, said Perez Recort.

Last year, Ismail “El May” Zimbada, who founded Sanaloa Cartel with Jokon “El Chopu” Gozman, was detained with one of Gozman’s sons after arriving in the United States.

It launched a war inside the Senwala cartel that has so far killed or disappears about 2,000 2,000 people.

The Mexican government was blinded by arrests, and it blamed the United States of mobilizing violence. US officials have denied their participation in celebrating Al -Mayo’s arrest.

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“This is what happens when you have unilateral, unorganized actions,” said Farfan Mandiz. “What is happening in Sinwala is not the desired result.”

If the United States is disappointed with not taking action on Mexico’s fantasy, Mexico “has the right to be disappointed”, Perez Record said: “The United States continues to sell guns ending in Mexico.”

He added: “There is disappointment from all sides – but diplomacy is a way to solve it.”

The president of Trump and Mexico, Claudia Shenbam, both took power within a few months, in which bilateral security was inherited.

However, the political situation in Mexico may be ready to rebuild it – if the Trump administration wants to take the opportunity, Freeman said.

Shenbam has an unusual level of political power, in which the Sky holds high approval rating and his party, Morina, conducts two -thirds of super -majory in Congress.

Shenbam is also changing Mexico’s security strategy, taking steps to counter organized crime and Eliminating the penetration of its local government.

Freeman said, “You now have ingredients in Mexico – and maybe not again – in fact to do something about it.” “If the hardness of the gloves by Washington is mixed with some real intelligence, it can be a really important turning point.”

He added: “But finally I think Trump’s view of the region is just to tighten the border of the American Mexico-and who cares what happens in the south.”

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