President Donald Trump’s fundraising committee sells $ 40 Signed mugs In an attempt on Monday, which he identified his “first presidential fundraising goal” by Trump’s latest trade offer, which faced hundreds of millions of legal fees and judicial decisions – and that One of the first before taking office.
Republican presidential nominee, former US President Donald Trump arrived in a speech during one 8 speaking about the day about living [+]
Key facts
This offer, which was marketed by email, is a white mug that features Trump’s shadow, which holds his fist, the text “Make America Great again” and President’s Autographer above their image.
This partnership is given to the Trump National Committee, a joint fundraising committee that distributes money among the Republican National Committee and sometimes surrenders, led by PAC – some money means that like legal fees Personal costs can also be used.
WebsiteFunding Platforms for Conservatives and Center Right Groups, run by Winade, do not tell what Trump’s fundraising purpose is or how close it is to reach it but people $ 40 and $ 1, Encourages donations between 000, or more.
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What else has Trump sold recently?
Signed mugs included in numerous items, Trump has sold to benefit his personal business, including Trump’s branded guitar, NFT trading cards, watches, silver coins, Bible, shoes, colon and more. Is He also sold Trump cards in $ 99, which included a piece of suit worn at his Filton County, Georgia, Mug Shot.
75 675,000,000. According to Forbes’ records, how much Trump is obligated to legal fees and court decisions. Most of the money against civil fraud decisions against Trump in New York – is about $ 492 million, and more .196.1 million is from author E Jane Carol’s notoriety and sexual abuse cases against Trump. Trump, who has long filed a lawsuit against himself as a political encouragement, is appealing for many decisions.
Key background
Trump regularly advertised his luggage through his campaign and after his victory, when he faces hundreds of millions of dollars of legal fees, his income is either directly flowing to him or in one of his political committees. – Those commodities, their political committees and their business partners have sold less, more affordable prices like $ 40 mg, such as 18 -karat gold -made watches and diamonds that sell up to 000 100,000 Are. It is not clear exactly how much Trump has earned from selling his goods but CBS News He reported that he made an NFT licensing fee and about $ 7.2 million from it Los Angeles Times The singer reported his Bible sale with Lee Greenwood. Forbes reported that it is unusual to instruct the revenue from presidential and opening goods to a leadership as Trump is directing him, which imposes less restrictions on spending money.
On Sunday, Trump’s team was selling the “official Trump Lifetime Achievement Award”. Cards To anyone who donated $ 35 or more. The cards showed Trump in a salute position, customized with someone’s name and read the “Lifetime Achievement Award for patriotism”.
What is Trump’s Memi coin, $ Trump?
Trump is also selling a meme coin, $ Trump, which he announced on January 17 and was for sale on the Solana Blockchain Network. Mem Coin is also considered highly volatile and they usually do not have a basic price like stock. The coin increased by about $ 10 to $ 70 in the first two days, but then it fell fast and was trading at about $ 36.94 on Monday. Coin Market Cape.
Forbes Valley
We estimate that Trump’s total value is $ 5.6 billion, which has made him the 589 richest man in the world.
What to see?
Where Trump’s leadership, the PAC, is never diminishing Trump’s money after surrendering. Information about how PAC recently spent 20 % of its funds, which website says it has received on this commercial goods and other opening goods, by the end of the month. Will not be available.
Read more
Trump breaks the tradition by redirecting the opening Swig Fund to his PAC (Forbes)
Trump’s latest trading sales: $ 10,000 Autographed Guitar (Forbes)
Donald Trump has promoted 199 Cologne, the new ‘Trump Watches’ in the latest trading push (Forbes).
Donald Trump did not get tens of billions of dollars more than the $ Trump Memoni coin. Here (Forbes)