Trump Questions FEMA’s Usefulness And Says He’d ‘Rather See The States Take Care Of Their Own Problems’

The top line

President Donald Trump criticized the Federal Emergency Management Agency on Wednesday and suggested he wants to negotiate soon about its future, continuing his attack on the federal disaster response agency, which he and other Gov. P leaders have accepted. Accused of being biased Against the Republicans

Key facts

In an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity from the Oval Office, Trump addressed the ongoing wildfires in Los Angeles, saying: “FEMA is going to be a full debate very soon.”

The president said he would “rather let the states take care of their own problems.”

Trump attacked FEMA, saying the agency had not “done its job for the last four years,” and suggested that Democrats did not care about disasters in states like North Carolina, but they had to deal with the fires in Los Angeles. Eager to get federal support.

He then claimed that FEMA was “working really well” under his previous administration, but said that “as long as you have Without some kind of leadership, it’s really—it gets in the way,” before reiterating that “FEMA is getting in the way of everything.”

As an example of how disaster response would work without the agency, Trump said that if a state like Oklahoma gets hit by a storm, it should be allowed to “fix” it on its own and the federal government ” can help them with money.”

This is a developing story.

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