On Tuesday afternoon, the federal government will freeze tens of billions of dollars in the federal grant. President Donald Trump ordered the government as part of his major effort to promote programs and spending measures, but this suspension would have a wide range of impact on hosting federal funding programs. –
I A memo Ago Obtained Independent journalist Marisa Kabas, Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Matthew Jay Vieth, wrote that “Marxist Equity, Transgenderism, and Green New Deal Social Engineering Planning Purchase Federal Resources Tax Taxes The dollar is a waste that does not improve the daily life we ​​serve.
“Federal agencies have to temporarily stop all federal financial support responsibility or distribution activities, and other agency activities that can be involved through executive orders, including foreign aid, non -governmental organizations, d Including the EI, but not limited to them, and awakened the Green New Dell, “the memo continued,” with the exception of “direct aid to individuals” such as social security and medical.
In the first days of his presidency, Trump has signed numerous executive orders that target foreign aid, environmental costs, and federal diversity and participation programs, but the OMB order represented a powerplay. It will directly affect millions of Americans’ public financing resources. Order’s vague words mean that security net programs that are not formed by a government agency as direct payments to individuals. Programs such as a Supplementary Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which are funded by federal grants but runs at the state level that is known A “passing” grant Payments can be forced to stop. Over 60 % SNAP participants are family with children. Also have children’s health insurance program (CHIP) Financial support is provided by the pass through the grant A large number of beneficiaries can be weakened under the new order. The Trump administration has not made it clear whether such a passing grant will be exempted from the implementation of guidance. The order issued on Tuesday is usually low on the details.
Some members of the Congress have challenged Trump’s ability to carry out such a ruling under the argument that it is a branch of legislation that approves grant spending – not president. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Shimmer (DN.Y.) Is written On social media. “These grants help communities in red states and blue states and help families, help parents raise children, and lead to strong communities.”
A Post separatelyShamar accused the president of “billions of community grants and financial support are accused of jeopardizing billions that help millions of people across the country.”
He wrote, “This would mean pay rolls and rent payments and everything between it: chaos for everything from universities to non -profit charitable institutions, aid to state destruction, local law enforcement. Food for institutions, the elderly, and food for the needy. ”
The Senate’s Deputy Chair of the Senate Committee, Petty Murray (D, Wash.) And the House Customs Committee Ranking Member Rosa Deloro (D) wrote. A letter To state that the order of the order is “dissolved, unprecedented, and will yield devastating consequences across the country.”
The lawmakers wrote, “Almost all the administration’s actions will have far -reaching consequences for all federal programs and activities, which threatens our families, our national security and the success of our country.”