Trump is unleashing sadism upon the world. But we cannot get overwhelmed | Judith Butler

AS. Trump offers a series of destructive and terrifying executive orders and public announcements every day, not much more important to avoid his pornography and focus on how matters are integrated. There are

Last week’s executive orders are easy to forget or go to it: Diversity, Equity and Johns (DEI) programs and conversations, as well as all federal financing programs are banned from “gender theory”, because new Observers flooded the news cycle. Threats of deportation to international students who are involved in legitimate protests. Extension designs about Panama and Greenland have been announced immediately for the Palestinians to handle tomorrow and forced migration from their homeland. In every case, Trump demonstrated the announcement of the announcement, declaring whether it could affect it. Executive orders can be prevented by the courts, but the deportation of immigrants has already begun, as Guantanamo’s bales camps have been reopened.

The combination of authoritarian power depends on the consent of the people to believe in a partially used power. In some cases, Trump’s announcement is intended to test water, but in other cases, provocative claims are his own success. He denies shame and legal obstacles to show his ability, which shows the world shameless sadness.

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The happiness of shameless sadness encourages others to celebrate this version of masculinity, which is not only willing to violate the rules and principles that rule the democratic life (freedom, equality, justice), but also false ideas. Enforcement as a form of “freedom”. And obstacles to legal responsibilities. A happy hatred now parades as freedom, while many of us have been struggling for decades and are morally distorted as “vocalism”.

It is not just a matter of regret over the problem here. It depends on the fact that its existence and widespread enjoyment – it is a sectarian and contagious celebration of oppression. In fact, the media’s attention feeds the sad people. It should be known and seen and heard, it is a parade of anger and deviation of the reaction. And that is why it is no longer a simple matter of exposing hypocrisy that will serve us now. There is no moral hidden that should be taken away. No, the public demand for the appearance of morality is reversed: His followers thrill and share their contempt for morality.

Demonstration of hatred, insulting rights, banning people from “gender” to the willingness to snatch their rights toward equality and freedom, and the binary system of sexual relations challenges (Trans, Interviews and Non-non-. Binary people) deny the rights and rights. Immigrants call for the forced deportation, and to completely dispose of those suffering from traumatic measures in Gaza.

Rafael Limkin, a Jewish lawyer, who created the term “genocide”, made it clear that it has a “integrated project aimed at destroying the essential grounds of national groups … it eliminates all the foundations of personal security.” Can be fulfilled, freedom, health and dignity.

Trump’s rights are not related to the category of genocide, but many of them express their fascists. Denying health care rights, legal recognition and freedom of freedoms for transit, interceptions and non -binary people attack on the basis of their lives. Even the Conservative Supreme Court found that discrimination against translation and gender infections was discriminated against on the basis of sexual relations (Boostak V. Clayton, 2020).

Therefore, it does not mean to say that trans rights pose a threat to sexual law: they belong to this law, and should protect it. Rounding migrants from schools and homes, forcibly deporting them in detention centers and eliminating the rights of proper action is clear not only for these communities, but also for constitutional democracy themselves. The threat to the citizenship of birthright refuses a basic constitutional protection and is beyond the balance of constitutional rule and powers.

If we are grieving with a new announcement of every day and stopping through stupids, we will fail to know what they have. Keeping his statements is particularly intended for his talk. When we grab us and paralyze us, we are in some ways in its thrill. Although there is every reason for being angry, we cannot flood this anger and not stop our minds. It is a moment to understand fascist emotions that promote this shamelessness for the authoritarian powers.

Those who celebrate their defamation and sorrow are claimed by the logic of their sorrow, as they are paralyzed with anger. Perhaps the time has come for them to be separated from these emotions to see how they work, but also find their own emotions: the desire for freedom is equally common. For a equilibrium that improves democratic promises. Repairing and repairing the land residential process; Accepting and verifying the complexity of our statue life; To imagine a world in which the government supports health and education for everyone, where we all live without fear, knowing that our mutual life is so valuable.

  • Judith Butler is a Maxin Eliot professor in the comparative literature department in the University of California, Berkeley. Butler’s latest book which gender is scared of gender (Ferr Strauss and Gerux, Penguin)

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