Trump Deports Migrants to Bukele’s Notorious El Salvador Prisons

Welcome back Foreign policyLattle of Latin America.

Highlights this week: United States deports hundreds of immigrants L SalvadorFor, for, for,. Mexican React to the discovery of a mass grave, and Honduras The music mourns on the icon.

Latin American leaders are cooperating with US President Donald Trump’s widespread deportation plans-but there is no more enthusiasm than Salvador President Nayeb Bokel.

Bokly Presentation Last month, more and more security prisoners in the L -Salvador to deport home from the United States for deported. At the end of the week, the Trump administration Fled Despite the order to stop the judge’s expulsion, more than 200 Venezuelan immigrants in the country.

Bokly Posted Videos of immigrants arriving in El Salvador and Blowed the joke US Judge, posting on X: “Opse … too late.” US Secretary of State Marco Rubio posted this message.

The White House spokesman said the United States is paying the El Salvador government around million 6 million To take exiles. Bokel said he would remain in the Salvador jail for at least one year, which would have an extension option.

Both Bokly and the White House border Czar The claims Without evidence that 238 of the exiles were a member of the Venezuela gang train de Aragua. That is the blame Compared to Through several families of detained people who did not have the opportunity to defend themselves in court.

In judicial filing, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Official Acknowledged That “many” exiles did not have a criminal record in the United States. One of the exiles said that he had a Professional football player There is no criminal record that was legally enrolled in the United States to seek political asylum.

On behalf of them, Venezuela’s president Nicholas Maduro Said The exiles “gave rise to the darkest episodes of human history.” Venezuela’s opposition leader, Maria Korea Machado and Edmundo Gonzlez, Issued a statement He criticized Train de Aragua and called on Venezuelan to enjoy “full protection of the law”.

However, while speaking on a large scale, the incident has not caused widespread riots in Latin America.

Other governments in the region are also preparing to obtain exiles, whether they are citizens or people from third countries. Journalist Jonathan M. Kutz wrote, “From the hotels in the Panamian jungle to the aircraft in Honduras, Trump’s deportation infrastructure in Goardak Foreign policy This week

Theoretically, Latin American countries can refuse to accept deported people from the United States. But Trump has other cards. In January, the region saw when Columbia tried to reject a military exile flight and that was Hurriedly hit 25 % by US tariff order. Bogota later On the back side.

“The migration is on top [Trump’s] Agenda … [and] People in the region are aware of this. Alfero English based in Guatemala city. “They are choosing their battles and trying to bring them alignment with their domestic priorities.”

There is another explanation for limited grief over the wrongdoers: In some parts of Latin America, fatigue with insecurity has led to acceptance of public campaigns that eliminate people on charges of organized crimes.

El Salvador is a poster for this approach. This country has the world’s highest imprisoned rate, and Bokel is Latin America The most famous president. But many of them are not members of the prison group, but Nooh Bulk, executive director of the human rights organization Christosol, wrote. Foreign policy Thursday

Since last year, Honduras has adopted an emergency in the form of a Bokel, which has forced the Human Rights Watchdog a warning of violations of the process. It was condemned after a protest in Peru Massacre Among a famous singer on Sunday, President Dina Bolvarta’s first move was to make an announcement The state of emergencySuspend some constitutional rights.

Although the mass can be imprisoned Is growing in popularity In Latin America, history shows that it often happens The short -term fix Towards crime issues. Many groups increased in the prison system, including MS 13. It is active in El Salvador and the United States, and some of its leaders have been jailed in both countries.

Last weekend, after Bokel’s request, Washington sent some MS 13 members back to El Salvador, along with deported immigrants.

Sunday, March 23: Ecuador has a television -based presidential debate.

Monday, March 24, to Saturday, March 29: Brazilian President Loose Ennico Lola Da Silva visits Japan and Vietnam.

A mass grave was found in Mexico. Mexico President Claudia Shenbam has promised a new government’s efforts to remove forced disappearances in Mexico when a lower -level human rights group discovered Mass grave In the western state of Jalisco.

Local authorities inspected the cemetery at the field last September and found weapons and bones of bones but Short stopped A complete investigation. A civil society group searched Jalisco fighters. National uproar.

Those who identified themselves as survivors, told me about finding members and Local media The site was used for forced recruitment in an armed group: responding to the wrong job offerings, people boarded the buses that took them to the field, where they were told they would do. Enter or die in training.

The search for Warriors leader Indira Navaro appealed to the authorities to assist in the investigation of the case. This week, Shenbam Signed He promised to send a bill to strengthen the National Search Committee and send a bill to the Congress, which will strengthen government data sharing on the missing persons.

Some of these steps were taken by a committee that ended under the predecessor of Shenbam, Anders Manuel Lopez Obrador. Human rights activists met with their recovery Cautious hope.

Argentina’s alleged protests. Although some Argentina have demonstrated against President Jeveer Miley’s expenses for months, it has maintained a significant popular support so far. Polastar Atlastel measured Miley’s approval 47.4 % In February, while CB Consultura made it stand 46 % In early March.

But last week, Miley’s dislike appears to expand the two big club teams, Boka Juniors and River Plate’s football fans, Inclusive Anti -Miles in Buenos Aires Pensioners in March. The protest police repression attracted public reproach. Was a reporter Hit in the head With tear gas box.

Millie’s support in Congress is so strong that the Lower House Backing The presidential decree to sign a new agreement with the International Monetary Fund in the 129-108 vote on Wednesday. The lawmaker was giving Miley the benefit of this suspicion: The decree did not include details about the content of the contract.

A banner was seen on March 19 during his weekend in Honduras’s La Siba in Honduras.

A banner was seen on March 19 during his weekend in Honduras’s La Siba in Honduras.Esau Okimopo/AFP via Getty Images

Griffuna music icon. Honduras are mournful composers and former lawmakers Oraleo martiniesWho was aboard a small plane crashed in the country on Monday. Martinez was the musical standard for her GarfonaAn ethnic group descended from the slave Africans and the indigenous people on the island of St. Vincent.

In the 18th century, British colonies deported Garfona, and they settled in neighboring countries. According to the Garfona tradition, writing Martnez’s singing and songs has been reported about everyday life in Central America and the Caribbean.

Garfona Honduras was chosen First Black Congressman In 2005. But after the death of a fellow musician in 2008, he returned to the arts, he traveled to Senegal to study the relationship between West African and Griffuna locks and recording part of his second album, Larva biaThere, there

In 2015, Martinez played an NPR Tinny desk concert In Washington, he pointed to the audience that the Griffuna culture was described as “an inherited for humanity” by UNESCO, adding, “So this is your music.”

Which of the following is? Not Most Griffona in people’s home countries?

Garifona lives mostly in Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.

Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Motley addresses an International Monetary Fund meeting in Washington on October 22, 2024.
Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Motley addresses an International Monetary Fund meeting in Washington on October 22, 2024.

Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Motley addresses an International Monetary Fund meeting in Washington on October 22, 2024.Brandon Samiloski/AFP by Gati Images

The United States under Trump is approaching the international climate finance in Latin America and the Caribbean, which has led some countries to revise their green transfer plans.

Before Trump took over, Columbia Green Economic Transformation was working to seek US financial support for projects at Portfolio Modeling informally Is known after deals Only energy transfer contributionsOr jets. Indonesia, South Africa, and Vietnam had earlier received financial support from the consortium of rich countries through Jet PS.

But the Trump administration formally Withdrawing his backing Jetops, and for Columbia Has turned To become leading partners to other countries, although no funding agreement has been announced yet. Last November, then Colombia’s Environment Minister Susana Mohammad said that if Washington would not support the project, Bogota Will see “North, South, East and West” for other alternatives, including China.

In addition, Muhammad, who is no longer in government, said Bloomberg In recent times when Columbia will Not to pursue Nature exchange deals for a new loan. While some of the climate finances have celebrated the arrangements. Belise And EcuadorMuhamad Mohammad said such deals offered to Bogota have been “very small” and “have not been able to risk it.”

“The country” wants to refrain from sending signals to the markets that we cannot pay our debt, “Mohammed said.

Nevertheless, a country in the region showed a pace of climate last week. Barbados Announced A New plan By 2035, to reach the target of pure zero in your economy and describe several sources of funding, which could pay for a change. The most important of these is the mechanisms provided by ordinary and multilateral banks to make it less risk for private funds to invest in climate change efforts.

Barbados is Search Total Billion from several funding sources, 10 billion, an expensive target.

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