Travel notice: FBI warns to ‘know that the risks are there’

This is a formal spring, and those who want to avoid the last winter winter, or met students to flee during the spring break, met him. A message of FBI: Maintain “vigilance” while going abroad.

“Do you know that there are risks,” said Akbar Davis, Assistant Director of FBI Los Angeles. “Maintain alert during your journey and be prepared to contact the nearest US embassy or consulate when needed.”

  • Read more: Travel Warning: The State Department emphasizes caution in the Pacific island destination called ‘a resident of peace’

The US Department of State releases Travel advice For places around the world, they have intermittent places in spring and some of the Caribbean islands, such as Mexico.

The FBI offered the following points to feel safer while traveling abroad.

  • In the event of an emergency, establish contact points with regard to your family.
  • Avoid traveling alone, especially after the dark. Be aware of your surroundings and avoid areas you believe can endanger your personal safety.
  • Use only authorized taxes/shuttle. Passengers have been robbed or kidnapped while using taxis.
  • Avoid measures that are illegal, inappropriate, or baseless. Avoid sexual companionship. They can lead to raids, photography and blackmail in the room.
  • Avoid criminals by becoming aware of your surroundings and the possibility of monitoring. Take the mental notes of your followers and immediately report it to the proper security officials.
  • Beware of new acquaintances who investigate information about you or what you try to include can be a compromise situation.

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