Trailblazers in Science and Tech to Headline Conference at USC • MassisPost

Los Angeles – Saturday, April 5, Trail Billis in Science and Technology will make headlines on the modern edge of Science and Tech: CA and Armenia together, a conference of the USC Dornsf Institute of Armenian Studies and the Armenian Society of Fellows.

The conference will include key lectures from three leading scientists of AI, neuro science, and astronomical physics, and highlight the cooperation between California Armenian DISPura and the Republic of Armenia in advancing global innovation. It will also look for the university’s role in dealing with the immediate challenges through science and technology.

In the Division of Biology and Biological Engineering at the California Institute of Technology, Micro Biology’s SAARCS will provide a major lecture as a partner for Parkinson’s disease as a partner for Parkinson’s disease and a cure for Parkinson’s disease. Discover Magazine has been named as “less than 40 brain in science”, with Professor Mazeni’s human micro -biochemical work he received global distinction, including Mac Arthur Fellowship.

Professor of Physics and Applied Physics will present an important lecture titled Petrosine and the Chairman of the Astronomy Program at Stanford University, titled Gravity Lensing: Measurement of the universe cannot be said. With the development of Petrosine Radios and expansion procedures, with more than 60 years of initial research, it has a modern understanding of astronomical items, from the sun to the galaxy clusters.

Professional AI co -founder and CEO Armen will provide the final key lecture titled Intelligence Arbitration. Pracepttan AI is launching modern artificial intelligence models that integrate diverse data types-such as video, audio and text-digital and physical world, to create real-time, adaptable intelligence for a wide range of industries. Prior to the founder of Peripperian AI, Agjanian was a research scientist in the Meta Meta Foundational AI Research Division and Microsoft’s touring team.

In addition to key lectures, two panels comprising the USC and beyond ahead will show how educational progress in science and technology can be implemented on real -world issues.

In a panel discussion titled Ivory Tower: Director of USC Dornsif’s Public Exchange Kate Weber’s Director of USC Vettabe School of Engineering Youths, and Director of the Public Exchange Kate Weber, USC Dornsif, and U.S. In a panel debate at the Eight Professor USC Veterinary School of Engineering Yatos, USC Dr. Thomas Lee discussed the university’s unique role today. The Director of the USC Dornsf Institute of Armenian Studies, Dr. Shushan Carpetin, will moderate his conversation.

In a second panel discussion titled words beyond words: Armenia Daspura Networks in Action, Aerospace Engineer and Founder of the ARPA Institute (Analysis Research and Planning for Armenia) Dr. Hegup Panosian, Chief Technologist and Sahar Naukarn Yarwan, Network Network, Network Network. Will discuss this between networks. Has participated in advancing innovation. At the University of Notre Dam, Frank M. Freeman, Anni Opremine, will moderate his conversation.

In collaboration with the USC Waterbie School of Engineering, USC Dornsif College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, and the ARPA Institute, the conference will take place at 10:00 am in the USC’s Janesburg Hall.

The event is free and open to the public. This conference will not be undergoing direct surgery-RSVP here to join. RSVP to be included here personally.

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