Town of Maynard Introduces Business Ambassador to Strengthen Business-Town Connection

MANARD – Town Administrator Greg Johnson was delighted that Minard has introduced its opening “business ambassador” in response to the need for a business community to be stabilized with the Town Hall.

Being in the pilot phase, the responsibilities of the business ambassador will be different and ready over time. However, they will maintain a basic mission:

  • To indicate the requirements and wishes of the business community
  • Build and estimate consensus around economic development
  • To ensure that the business and information available in the Town Hall are familiar with
  • Maintain an open line of communication between the Town Hall and the local commercial sector
  • Promoting Mennard as a new business destination

The Pilot program began March 7 under the opening business ambassador to Mendra under Linda Setron. The program is expected to continue by spring 2025.

Steve Silverstein, Executive Director of the Municipal Services (OMS) office is to integrate economic development efforts within the city. Through hearing sessions, outreach efforts and meetings with each other, Silverstein said, “This sentiment was unanimous: Our business needs more interaction with the town hall.”

The town believes that the position of the business ambassador may have an immediate impact and eventually becomes a permanent reality of the city’s business relationship.

Silverstein said, “We believe that this place is sustainable if we have volunteers who feel comfortable and recently retired as a long -term employee for this role, Linda Strone was a natural choice and made it easier for this place without interruption.”

With limited resources for dedicated economic development personnel, the OMS staff is hoping that the move can remove the full -time economic development coordinator on the road, demonstrating the value of active economic planning.

“We want to continue to cultivate a strong and sustainable business environment,” said Silverstein.

For more information on economic development in Mende, contact the Municipal Services Office at 978-897-1302.

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