Toomaj Salehi: Best The Voice of Defiance in Iranian Hip-Hop 2024

Toomaj Salehi: The Voice of Defiance in Iranian Hip-Hop


Toomaj Salehi is a prominent figure in the Iranian hip-hop scene, known for his fearless lyrics and outspoken stance against the socio-political issues in Iran. His music is not just entertainment; it’s a powerful form of protest and a call for change in a country where freedom of expression is severely restricted.

Toomaj Salehi est un rappeur iranien incontournable, dont la voix puissante et les textes engagés font de lui une figure emblématique de la contestation sociale en Iran. Né en 1990, il s’impose comme un artiste audacieux, n’hésitant pas à critiquer le régime iranien et à militer pour la liberté d’expression. Son parcours tumultueux, marqué par des arrestations et des condamnations, reflète la situation complexe des artistes dissidents en Iran.

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Toomaj Salehi Punishment
Toomaj Salehi Punishment

De la passion Toomaj Salehi Social (From Rap Passion to Social Commitment)

Originaire d’Ispahan, Toomaj se passionne dès son adolescence pour le rap. Il débute sa carrière en diffusant ses morceaux en ligne, abordant des thématiques sociales et critiques du quotidien des Iraniens. Son style direct et sans concession séduit rapidement un large public, lassé des restrictions imposées par le régime.

En 2018, le soulèvement populaire iranien contre la hausse du prix du carburant marque un tournant dans la carrière de Toomaj. Il sort plusieurs titres en soutien aux manifestants, dénonçant la répression et appelant au changement. Ses lyrics percutants et virulents font de lui une figure de proue du mouvement de contestation.

Arrestations, condamnations et lutte pour la liberté d’expression (Arrests, Convictions, and Fight for Freedom of Expression)

L’engagement de Toomaj ne passe pas inaperçu des autorités iraniennes. En 2021, il est arrêté une première fois, accusé de “propagande contre le régime” et d'”insulte au guide suprême”. Libéré sous caution, il continue de dénoncer les injustices sociales et la corruption à travers sa musique.

En 2022, suite à la mort de Mahsa Amini, jeune femme décédée en garde à vue pour avoir porté son voile de manière jugée non conforme, l’Iran connaît une nouvelle vague de manifestations. Toomaj Salehi soutient activement le mouvement et publie un morceau poignant relatant les souffrances du peuple iranien. Il est à nouveau arrêté en octobre 2022, accusé de “participation aux émeutes” et de “propagande contre le système”.

En avril 2024, il est condamné à six ans de prison pour ces accusations. En parallèle, il est jugé pour d’autres charges liées à ses chansons contestataires. La sentence finale pourrait être bien plus lourde, faisant craindre une instrumentalisation de la justice à des fins politiques.

Malgré les risques encourus, Toomaj Salehi reste un symbole de la liberté d’expression en Iran. Son combat inspire de nombreux jeunes Iraniens et sa voix continue de résonner à travers le monde.

Early Life Toomaj Salehi Musical Journey

Born and raised in Iran, Toomaj Salehi found his passion for music at a young age. Hip-hop, with its roots in protest and social commentary, resonated deeply with him. He began writing lyrics that reflected the struggles and injustices he witnessed around him. Unlike many artists who choose safer, more commercial paths, Toomaj used his talent to speak out against oppression and corruption.

Iranian Rapper Toomaj Salehi From Execution
Iranian Rapper Toomaj Salehi From Execution

Themes and Lyrics Toomaj Salehi

Toomaj Salehi’s music addresses a wide range of issues, including political corruption, economic hardship, and human rights abuses. His lyrics are raw and unfiltered, often highlighting the daily struggles of ordinary Iranians. He uses his platform to give a voice to the voiceless, tackling subjects that are often censored in mainstream Iranian media.

Challenges and Persecution Toomaj Salehi

Speaking out in Iran comes with significant risks. Toomaj has faced numerous challenges, including censorship, threats, and persecution from authorities. Despite these dangers, he remains undeterred, continuing to release music that resonates with many Iranians who feel disenfranchised and unheard.

Influence and Impact

Toomaj’s impact extends beyond music. He has become a symbol of resistance and resilience, inspiring a new generation of Iranian youth to question authority and demand their rights. His courage and commitment to truth have garnered him a substantial following, both in Iran and among the Iranian diaspora.


Toomaj has released several singles and albums that have made significant waves in the Iranian music scene. Some of his notable works include:

  • “Naqz”
  • “Mikham Faryad Bezanam”
  • “Soorakh Moosh”
  • “Shekaf”

Each of these works reflects his journey and the evolution of his message over the years.


Toomaj Salehi is not just a musician; he is a voice of defiance and a beacon of hope for many Iranians. His fearless approach to addressing critical issues through his music has made him a significant figure in the Iranian hip-hop scene and a symbol of resistance. Despite the risks, Toomaj remains committed to his cause, using his art to challenge the status quo and inspire others to do the same. His journey is a testament to the power of music as a tool for social change and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of oppression.

Rapper Toomaj Salehi Arrested
Rapper Toomaj Salehi Arrested

Read More: Toomaj Salehi


Q: Who is Toomaj Salehi?

A: Toomaj Salehi is an Iranian hip-hop artist known for his politically charged lyrics and outspoken stance against the socio-political issues in Iran.

Q: What themes does Toomaj Salehi address in his music?

A: His music addresses political corruption, economic hardship, human rights abuses, and the struggles of ordinary Iranians.

Q: Why is Toomaj Salehi’s music significant?

A: His music serves as a powerful form of protest and a call for change in a country where freedom of expression is severely restricted.

Q: What challenges has Toomaj Salehi faced?

A: He has faced censorship, threats, and persecution from Iranian authorities due to his outspoken lyrics and activism.

Q: How has Toomaj Salehi influenced the Iranian youth?

A: He has inspired a new generation to question authority, demand their rights, and speak out against injustices.

Q: What are some of Toomaj Salehi’s notable works?

A: Some of his notable works include “Naqz,” “Mikham Faryad Bezanam,” “Soorakh Moosh,” and “Shekaf.”

Q: Where can one listen to Toomaj Salehi’s music?

A: His music can be found on various music streaming platforms and social media.

Q: How has the international community responded to Toomaj Salehi?

A: He has garnered a significant following among the Iranian diaspora and human rights activists worldwide who support his cause.

Q: What inspires Toomaj Salehi’s lyrics?

A: His lyrics are inspired by the daily struggles and injustices faced by ordinary Iranians, as well as his personal experiences.

Q: What is the future of Toomaj Salehi’s music career?

A: Despite the challenges, Toomaj continues to make music and advocate for change, with the hope of reaching a broader audience and effecting positive change.

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