Tips on safe travel during Grand Valley storms

Grand Junction, Colo. Snow can continue until Wednesday.

The Boors said, “It is important to be aware of what is happening around you.

Haughs took a nest on the Colorado national monument earlier this afternoon. Bors said it could be a sign of snow.

Look like the distance and the same as we are looking here, behind me. The White Fijin, which has returned to the Colorado National Monument, can often be an indicator that you are running in the snow.

“This can be a good visual warning sign for you that the time has come for you to leave the gas and the coast before,” said Boars.

The snow may not be in the valley, but can stay around in the mountains and for a long time in the mountains and with I-70. Bowers also want to emphasize the importance of knowing how much your car can do

“One of the things we often walk is when people are driven by 4 wheels, they think they make some degree of inconvenience,” he said. “The thing to remember is that when we are dealing with icy roads and icy roads, it helps you to go.

The Boors have suggested that whatever comes this season, it slowly reaches the side of the road.

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