Thursday results
City section
Animo de La Hai 6, May Wood Academy 1
Bell 8, South East 7
Garfield 9, South Gate 8
King/Drew 1, Port of Los Angeles 0
Lake View Charter 12, Community Charter 1
Lok 17, Dorsi 5
Palesids 6, Les 4
Poly 14, North Hollywood 1
Roosevelt 2, heritage 0
San Fernando 11, Kennedy 4
Sun Valley Magnet 12, Valver Academy 1
Siller 10, Wordogo Hills 0
South section
Anahim Valley 3, La Hubra 1
Animo Leadership 20, Compton Early College 0
Arlington 6, Ploma Valley 1
Arovo 9, Kovina 8
Aila 10, Glendora 1
Banned 15, desert hot springs 1
Bonita 5, Diamond Bar 1
Buckle 7, Santa Monica Pacific Crosschen 6
Bona 2, St. Bonnacher 1
Kejun 8, Beaumont 1
Kate 19, Valley Christian Academy 12
Cathedral City 5, Desert Marriage 4
Coastal Christian 13, Silka 1
Cornstone Christian 14, Santa Rosa Academy 0
Corona 5, Noorco 0
Corona Santiago 3, Corona Centennial 2
Cross Road 12, Brent Wood 6
Chlor City 14, Angle Wood 0
Dost 9, Baldwin Park 8
East Wheel Roosevelt 5, River Side King 4
Edge Wood 12, Basit 0
Etwanda 8, Elsor 0
Ganesh 25, Workman 0
Hikanda Heights Wilson 14, Whiteny 4
Hemat 10, River Side North 1
Heritage 5, Orange Vista 2
Hespeareia 7, Apple Valley 5
Huntington Beach 4, Fountain Valley 1
Indian Springs 8, Pacific 3
Audio 12, University Pre 1
Aryan 3, Northwood 1
Joropa Valley 2, Ramona 1
La Canada 5, Temple City 1
Leakside 5, Valley View 1
Landel 13, Morning Side 0
Luma Linda Academy 13, Weaver 0
Maranatha 8, Barea Olinda 5
Mary Star of DC5, Long Beach Cabero 2
Morino Valley 10, Siters Hill 9
Moro Bay 12, Santa Annes 1
Nogs 4, Azusa 1
Norta Vista 6, Robidox 5
Ouk Hills 8, Ridgrost Boros 1
Ojai Valley 9, Villanova Pre 0
Patriot 8, La Sierra 6
Pumona 9, La Paunt 0
Renoco Christian 20, Valley Springs 2
Renoco Verde 9, Hill Crust 2
Redlands East Valley 3, Redlands 0
River Side Notary Dam 13, Roland 2
River Side Poly 11, Liberty 9
River Side Prep 16, Teston 4
San Marino 4, Village Christian 2
Santa Anna Calorie Chapel 12, Mapir 6
Santa Anna Fothel 2, L Mudina 0
Santa Clareta Christian 11, GLCSC
Santa Margareta 16, Demon 2
Santa Monica 12, Beverly Hills 3
Sugs 18, Valley Country Valley 0
Swana 11, Big Beer 10
Sierra Vista 2, Gary 1
St. Anthony 9, St. Monica 4
Sultana 9, Sirano 0
Temola Valley 3, Turbuko Hills 1
Thiachar 5, D Tuldo 2
View 5, Windward 3
Vista Del Application 6, Paris 0
Walnut 2, Clairmont 1
Warren 2, Bell Flower 1
Westminster La Quanta 10, Renchu ​​Alamitos 1
Wood Crust Christian 4, Ontario Christian 3
Urba Linda 12, Douglas (NV) 5
Yukipa 5, Sitters Valley 3
Yola 4, Malikin 3
Aero Head Christian 8, Luzon Collagate (TN) 0
L Tero 8, Douglas (NV) 5
Orange Lutharan 6, Basic (NV) 1
St. Bernard 5, La Hamilton 4
St. John Basco 4, Desert Occupation (NV) 1
Soft hair
City section
Kelce Early College 8, Community Charter 1
Diego Rowera 18, Central City Price 11
La Marshall 17, Receda 6
Lok 10, Stella 9
May Wood Academy 13, Animo de La Hua 2
Mendez 14, Cornerus 4
Middle College 25, Lao 6
Nartrege Academy 26, Filton 0
San Fernando 11, Siller 1
Taurus 8, Orthopedic 7
Oven 21, East Valley 19
Washington 30, Elizabeth 17
South section
Anahim Valley 9, L Mudina 5
Ala 16, Glendora 0
Bell Gardens 21, San Gabriel 0
Bishop Ummah 10, St. Paul 6
Bishop Diego 23, Valley Christian Academy 7
Bishop Montgomery 9, St. Monica 1
Bonita 10, Diamond Bar 0
California 7, La Sarna 4
Clorie Baptist 22, Business 5
Camarillo 12, Sami Valley 5
Heart-affected heart 14, Bishop Koni-Laurito 6
Valley Springs 14, Morino Valley 4
Cathedral City 24, Desert Marriage 18
Sitters Hill 18, West Valley 15
Clairmont 13, walnut 1
CSDR 11, Public Safety Academy 7
Desert oasis 7, Sierra Valley 3
Dowan 10, Mayfire 2
Edison 13, NewPort Harbor 2
El Dorado 6, Sunny Hills 0
L Renoco 11, Arooro 0
L Sigondo 5, MM DI2
Etwanda 11, Oxcanchen 1
Excel Charter 26, Akka 7
Floor 16, Channel Island 1
Firebog 17, Linwood 5
Good 3, Paramount 0
Ganesh 26, La Paynt 0
Garden Guru Pacifica 6, Aspranza 1
Hart 15, Golden Valley 3
Houtoron 23, Compton Centennial 2
Hemat 16, Anza Hamilton 1
Heritage Christian 17, Glendel 0
Hespearea 16, AAE 12
Hyland 9, Night 3
Huntington Beach 22, Corona Dell March 0
Indian Springs 28, Pacific 13
Audio 3, San Jackanto 2
Aryan 14, Northwood 10
Erine University 12, Guodes 0
Catila 9, Westminster 0
Lake Wood 9, Valley Christian 8
Linkster 8, East Side 1
La -last, 24, sitting. PUS X-Cent. Matheas 4
Luzinger 5, Chlor City 3
Liberty 5, Yukipa 2
Linfield Christian 15, River Side Notary Dam 0
Litrok 15, Intelp Valley 1
Long Beach Poly 10, Long Beach Wilson 1
Louis Will 15, Calabas 1
Marina 1, Fountain Valley 0
Mark Caple 11, Montbilo 1
Mary Star of DC 16, Gardena Sierra 4
May Field 8, Pasadina Poly 6
Milicon 12, Compton 0
Noorco 11, Corona 0
Norta Vista 12, Robidox 8
Norwak 19, Domingoz 0
Ontario Christian 22, Wood Crust Christian 8
Orange Vista 9, Arlington 3
Oxford Academy 7, Whitney 0
Ploma Valley 9, Muttatz 3
Paris 17, Sherman Indian 1
Pumona 22, Basit 8
Quartz Hill 12, Palmadel 0
Rencho Word 13, Vista Del Apply 3
Ramona 8, Jorupa Valley 0
Renoco Cocamonga 14, Ok Hills 4
Redlands 15, Rum of World 1
River Side King 5, East Lake Roosevelt 2
San Bernardino 25, Business 0
Santa Anna Fothel 15, Crane Lutherin 3
Santa Clara 12, Fothel Tech 1
Santa FE20, Whiteier 8
Santa Pola 18, Carpenaria 2
Sugs 7, West Rank 6
Noise 31, Al -Hamra 0
Shadow Hills 4, Turboco Hills 2
Sierra Vista 11, Nouglas 0
Tisoro 3, JSERRA 1
University Prep 14, Hesperia Christian 4
Validia 11, Castic 0
Valley View 1, Beaumont 0
Vasus 14, the desert 1
Ventura 16, Nordhov 3
Warren 11, Bell Flower 0
Westridge 4, Chaduk 2
Burnstein 19, RF’s Community 3
Bishop Manog (NV) 5, Willmington Banning 2
Valley Country Valley 4, Wordgo Hills 0
Carson 6, Bangham (UT) 5
Championed 8, Arber View (NV) 0
Douglas (NV) 6, Turboco Hills 2
Grand Territs 2, Bishop Manog (NV) 0
Hoover D. LA lead, seizure
Mission Weejo 6, Bishop Gorman (NV) 3
Red (NV) 4, River Side Poly 2
River Side Poly 6, Douglas (NV) 0
Rosari 9, Spanish Springs (NV) 4
Rosori 5, Kloos 0
Rable 27, Belmont 0
Santa Clareta Christian 26, Coast Union 6
Sherman Ox Notery Dam 10, l chimineo reel 1
Sierra Valley 12, Reno (NV) 2
West Touris 6, San Pedro 1
Vice Bern Da Vinci 5, King/Drup 4
This story originally appeared Los Angeles Times.