The Alabama museum grappling with the ‘Gulf of America’

According to the museum’s maritime historian John Slage at the residence, when Spanish first arrived in the Gulf in 1513, he believed he had found the way to Asia and initially called it the Chinese Sea (a name to appeal to Trump Is unlikely). Other preliminary seekers called it the Gulf Courts or the Gulf New Spain.

“It was really a Spanish sea in the 1500 and 1600s,” Slage said. After the Spanish, the French founded mobile and New Orleans in the early 1700s. Before the United States took control, the United States eventually occupied the area in the 1810s.

The large -scale ship -shaped museum, celebrating its 10th birthday in 2025, is commanding at the water front location in the city’s mobile. Cooper River Side ParkMobile port and bay -seeing floor from a roof -from -roofed windows, which directly feeds in the bay. Interactive display area also highlights its global influence along with the multi -layer history. Visitors learn that the first European settlement in the United States was not in St. Augustine, Florida, as is commonly thought, but about 450 miles east in the bay Pansakola. Exhibitions also show how the Gulf water has become one of the world The most productive fishing And a The US largest oil producing region. In addition, the Gulf stream, which initiates here, affects the translantic shipping routes and brings hot tropical water to the north and moderates the weather in Western Europe.

Other famous exhibitions also include a simulator that allows guests to track piloting ships, famous ships’ apparel model, a multi -storey screen track that tracks tower of European travels and shipping containers, in which There is an exhibition. The city of Mobile, Museum curators, likes to say, changed the world when a local company helped launch the first containerized ships in the 1950s.

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