- Since December, Tesla stock has fallen to 53 %.
- Some retail investors have gone out of their positions and avoided the stock beds.
- He told the Business Insider that these symbols indicated that they had been sold quickly.
In investment, the opportunity to sell is often painful when the stock price falls dramatically. But for some retail investors, this writing was already on the wall for Tesla stock in 2025.
In the election of President Donald Trump and in the New Year, Tesla’s stock increased, investors’ happiness increased. However, the stock has been on the spiral this year, which has drowned at least 53 percent of its nearly $ 479.86 every time in December near Friday.
While some retail investors are doubling and holding, others have taken out of their positions. Business internal talked to Tesla’s three former shareholders to find out what they are due to sell their shares and avoid stock of stock.
The difference of the personality of the musk
A common thread that affected the decisions of all three investors is The controversial personality of the musk.
Makhila Delahane bought three shares of Tesla in August 2023. They sold them in August 2024 a year later.
“When Elon began to have this alliance with Trump, I began to think about branding and how all these would be for Tesla’s ordinary user and Tesla’s ordinary buyer,” a PR expert told BI.
Dan Chen is a corporate magician who sold his Tesla shares in early January before the opening. The biggest factor in his decision was Musk’s leadership and his political involvement.
China’s acquaintance returned – he was an early employee in PayPal in 1999 when Elon Musk was CEO. There, Chen signed an application to remove the musk from PayPal.
Musk’s political era – through his extensive election costs for Trump and his dodge plans – became the last straw for Chan. Chan thought that Musk’s leadership style and affiliation with Trump would intensify investors’ confidence and cause sale of stock, which would make it out of office. Chen had organized some of his shares since 2016 and some of them felt an increase of 1,900+ %, the documents viewed by the BI revealed.
Chen looks at the similarities between what he is doing now and what he did in PayPal.
“When he really wanted to change the programming language stack into a middle way when he was really boot from PayPal, we were bleeding from money,” Chen said. “He does something that is very quick, which is not good for the government because when you say something and you change it, people cannot pay attention to their work when their jobs are at risk.”
Business owner Jonathan Goodman bought Tesla stock during pandemic illness because he believed the company was the leader of the industry in the location of an electric vehicle. Initially, Gudman believed that Musk’s clear -speaking personality was an honor for the stock, but eventually, it was a constant commitment to Musk with the president, who withdrew his investment.
“Elon Musk’s statements and Tesla was at the forefront of the electric vehicles industry, before joining the new presidency,” Gudman told the BI. “I respect a good spokesperson, okay? And he is a great spokesperson for numerous tasks he has done. SpaceX, Zai, Tesla – these are all things that are pushing the industry forward and pushing humanity forward.”
However, after seeing the Musk using a gesture that looked like a salute of Nazis at the opening, Gadman sold his shares.
Basic Business Basic Rule
For Gadman, Musk’s personality was the only factor that eliminated his shares – he still thinks that the company’s business model is solid.
“If Elon Musk was resigning from Tesla yesterday, I will buy stock again,” Gudman said.
However, for the delay and Chen, the decision to sell was not fully based on Musk’s enmity.
“I started to feel that he missed,” said the Delaah. Just this week, Tesla released another memory this time for her cybersics.
The issues with the product with Trump’s political alliance with Trump convinced the Delah that Tesla would lose its attractiveness for consumers.
Chen also had concerns about Tesla’s product that made him a stockpile. In particular, Chen did not like where the company was going with the features of its own driving car. He found that the musk is not pushing enough on the development of safety procedures for self -run technology, and he believes the company is trying to make every corner to keep the costs low.
After the delay was sold, she looked very optimistic for the Tesla stock, but she doesn’t regret her decision to sell well before the peak. “It was really interesting, just to see that it was really recommending it by well -known news agencies and investors, and to see that this was really quite fluctuating.”
He added, “I’m very happy that when I did, I came out.”