People like to move forward about how good the Titan Fall 2 campaign is, and they will be justified in doing so, but we all know that when we have a special level when we have a straight shooter: Time Travel One. I don’t care so much of the shooters, online or offline people, yet I still had to go because the level of time traveling really appealed to me. A similar structure of the dishonest 2 is the same rotation section around me, so I was delighted to detect the latest trailer of Spark Territory this week, an action adventure game that is mainly Titan Fall 2 and 2 -time travel levels made into a whole game.
There are some things in the principle of spark that differentiate themselves from two levels. In the first example, this is a very tumultuous battle. Panchin ‘, hammer’, knife throw ‘, such a thing. Where the time travel factor is particularly different is that you can travel between three times: modern day, the Viking Age, and the Eztec period. The thing I am looking for the most entertainment from the game trailer, as you can see above, is that the surface design is at least the same in all three -time periods, which is the biggest thing to change the set dressing.
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The enemies themselves live in the same places in three periods, with each order they have their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, in the Viking setting, you can throw or push the items, and you have found a big Oli hammer with which you can break things, while in the eztec period you have got a knife, you can chew some long distance options on BAD beds.
It’s clean! And like all hell, stylish, I like the effect of changing the atmosphere between the periods of time, everything shifts a bit and a bit pops up, it just doesn’t turn from one scene to another. The game has been working for a while, but it’s not yet a release date. If it likes you, you can List of wish here.