NASA’s Webb Telescope Unmasks True Nature of the Cosmic Tornado

Angled from the upper left corner to the lower right corner of the image is a conical shaped orange-red cloud known at Herbig-Haro 49/50. This feature takes up about three-fourths of the length of this angle. The upper left end of this feature has a translucent, rounded end. At this same location there is background spiral shaped galaxy with a concentrated blue center that fades outwards to blend in with red spiral arms. The conical feature widens slightly from the rounded end at the upper right down to the lower right. Along the way there are additional rounded edges, like edges of a wave, intricate foamy-like details, as well as a clearer view of the black background of space. The black background of space is clearer, speckled with some white stars and smaller, more numerous, fainter white galaxies.
Is the ice cream sand with a cherry? This randomly alignment of Harbig Haro 49/50 can be a trick with ...
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