Survey: Small Business Owners Are Optimistic, Seek Tax Reform

RJ King
March 11, 2025

According to a new survey of Goldman Sex’s 10,000 small business voices, which includes a Detroit Center, according to a new survey of 10,000 small businesses, small business owners in the United States are hopeful about the coming year, and are looking at the federal government.

Small businesses from all over the United States say they are planning to expand their business this year, but if it can prefer Congress and new administration tax reforms, solve inflation, increase manpower development, cut regulatory red tape, and increase access to capital.

“Small business owners have hope, but that does not mean that we are not facing real challenges,” says Jessica Johnson Copy, president of the Johnson Security Bureau of Inc., a third -generation -based family firm.

“It’s an opportunity for Washington to review how it helps small businesses and helps us create economic opportunities. Let’s make sure the programs reflect the facts of running business in our modern, always developing economy today.

Survey results include:

  • Seven out of 10 (69 %) small business owners feel positive about their financial perspective for 2025.
  • This year plans more than three -quarters (78 %), and 46 % expect new jobs in 2025.
  • Currently, 89 % of these businesses say it is difficult for eligible workers to find, 62 % said their difficulty in recruiting trunks to compete with big companies on salaries and benefits.
  • More than half (53 %) cannot afford borrowing in view of the current interest rates, which makes 88 % surprising that low interest rates will help their business.
  • Inflation has led to an important concern, as 54 % of respondents identify inflation that identify them as the highest policy priority for their new administration, making it a top priority.

In addition, more than half of the survey (60 %) respondents want to make the Congress tax code easier, confused provisions, difficult -use credit, and regulations that are not in line with small operations.

Overall, 73 % of respondents said that the federal tax code for small businesses is invisible. In particular, small business owners report the following challenges with tax code.

  1. Tax credit and privileges are not their size (63 %) business
  2. Excessively complicated and confused tax code (55 %)
  3. Maximum costs (33 %)

“We’re not asking for special treatment, we’re asking for a tax system that doesn’t travel us,” says Johnson Coop.

Since small businesses are continuing the challenges of development, many people also identify the burden rules and outdated federal programs. Forty -seven percent said that their business is being stopped through regulatory red tapes and compliance, and 95 % believe that federal programs need to better reflect the facts that they face.

With a new leadership in the US Small Business Administration (SBA), business owners say it is now a prime prime time.

Nearly nine of the 10 (89 %) want to modernize the agency.

Small businesses say it is a key component of recognition, with 80 % of small business owners who use AI, citing increasing performance and productivity.

However, 44 % said they lack the resources and skills necessary to successfully deploy, and 76 % support government policies to help small businesses adopt new technology like AI.

“Small business owners are not just watching, they want a seat on the table because Washington has dealt with major problems,” says Jal McCarti, the national director of the Goldman Sex’s 10,000 small businesses.. “Their message is easy: Listen to us. Work with us Let’s get this right.

1,188 Goldman Sex survey 10,000 small businesses Participants were honored by Babson College and David Binder Research from February 10-17, 2025. The survey included 49 US states, 2 US areas, and small business owners from Columbia District.

Goldman sex, the sounds of 10,000 small businesses, comprising Goldman Sex 10,000 small businesses, organize program participants to advocate for policies that are important to them. See for more information

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