Bollywood’s Saif Ali Khan has revealed the details of a entering man who entered his house last month and repeatedly stabbed him with a knife.
In a special Interview With Time of India54 -year -old Khan said that he woke up around 2 in the morning when his house went to his room and screamed that his son was a jaggery in Jaya’s bedroom, demanding money.
“Obviously, I lost it in a way, and went there to see and I saw that the boy was holding [what I thought were] Two sticks on the bed – it was actually a hexa blade. So he had a knife and a mask in every hand. It was an unrealistic scene.
Race The actor pulled the penetrating down and was wrestling with him, while the attacker was repeatedly throwing Khan on his stomach. However, he believed that the thump had come out, which stabbed him with a knife.
Khan did not realize that it was a knife due to adrenaline and trauma during the incident. “And then he was hitting my neck, and I was stopping him with my hand. My palm and my wrist and my arms were slashes. All the violence happened – was hitting both hands, most of which were defended.
Although the actor confronted him, he said that after a while he could not handle “two knives in action” because he was “just barefoot, barefoot, karta pajama”.
Khan’s House Help pulled the penetrat from him and threw it and both of them rotated and closed the door.
“At this point, I was submerged in blood and lost some feeling in my right leg. The reason for this was that I was trapped in the spinal cord, but I didn’t realize that at that time – I thought I had stabbed the leg in the leg.
Meanwhile, the House Help closed the door of the entering room and the family’s family believes that it has been closed inside. However, he fled the same route from which he entered, which was in the bathroom of a Nalpipe and Khan’s children.
Khan wanted to go behind the man, however, his wife, actor Kareena Kapoor, urged her to leave her house because she believes that the penetration is still in the house premises.
“We have to take you to the hospital, and I had to get out of here because I think he is [the intruder] Still around and can be anything of them, “Kapoor said.
Kapoor called people proudly but there was no awake.
“And we looked at each other, and I said, ‘I’m fine. I’m not going to die. ‘And Timor also asked me,’ Are you going to die? ‘ I said, ‘No’, Khan remembered.
The eight -year -old actor’s eldest son, Timor, was apparently “exactly” and “fine” and went to the hospital with his father.
“He said, ‘I’m coming with you’, and I thought if something happened … I was getting a lot of comfort to look at him at that time. And I didn’t want to go alone.
After that, Khan, Timor and his staff members went to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai in Rickshaw.
Really what happened in the hospital
The actor confirmed the doctor’s statement that he went to a blood -covered hospital with Timor. “It took them a minute to understand that it includes a celebrity and this is a bit strange scenario. You know it’s just a minute to drown, that a movie star has been stabbed. –
“I had very clear and adrenaline.” Khan said that after the staff realized who he was, he was very effective and made some “right decisions” in which the spinal cord neuro surgeon Dr. Nathan Denj was called.
“He said that a good knife has followed the blade of three to four inches shoulder blades and has worked towards the bloody spinal cord. This is a huge war and it is broken, and he has broken, and he has a spine. The bone is coming out.
The actor said that his doctors did an “extraordinary work” with surgery, which took six hours, only two and a half hours in terms of spinal cord. Khan revealed that he was in Anesthesia for five hours, and that the procedure was the longest surgery in which he had been living so far.
To address rumors, speculations and conspiracies
Responding to questions about how well he can run after being so close to the stroke, Khan said, “You are near. You are either paralyzed or you are not.”
He said it was a miracle that he survived and his body was working properly despite 30 “horrible stains” in his throat.
“I do not understand how he remembered my carred artery and the liver vein … it is not possible to cut off the way a neck cuts my neck, and does not kill them.”
He also made it clear that he was not taken to the hospital as the drivers of his staff did not stay all night unless they were asked. “Everyone has a house to go,” he said.
According to Khan, he would go to the hospital on his own but the keys could not be found. He said it was fortunate that they did not get keys because they should not have moved their backs too much.
Khan maintained that his family did not call the driver because it took time to get there and he knew he would have to go to the hospital soon.
The actor also commented on people’s negative reaction to the attack, claiming that he was acting. “I think it is expected that there will be all kinds of reactions. People there will make fun of him. There will be people who do not believe it, people make fun of him. And I think this is fine because that’s what paints the world. If everyone had a response to something sympathetic to something, it would have been flat and dim.
He also appreciated all the kindness of the world, and everyone who said auxiliary things to make him feel better, “From ward boys and doctors to rickshaw driver, they were all angels, heavenly cents.”
“There is a lot of kindness in the world and the fool is enough. But that’s what makes it interesting.”
Khan said his focus on his own hospital he himself had to go out, how he had just gone in, and he was not trying to show.
“I never thought about presenting it. As much as I consider the PR aspect, I have come to the conclusion that I think my life is really interesting enough for him, it doesn’t need to bend. It does not need to bend and present.
He continued that his injury was not exaggerated and it was a miracle that he survived. Khan said it was still painful for him to stand long, but his pain and suffering are getting better every day.
“I think this would be a complete recovery.”
Reacting to his family
Khan was thankful that his children were fine. His youngest son gave him a plastic sword to keep him near his bed “Next time” chor [thief] It comes. “
“Timor is a little worried about security,” he said, adding that his older children, Sarah and Ibrahim, were very emotional.
“It’s really a matter of fact that the family is together, but of course, there is a bit of shock for everyone. [Kapoor] Very, doing great. Being very strong. Naturally, a little shaken and worried about things like security.
‘I don’t have a danger’
Khan emphasized that he was not in danger and the attack was not an attack, which is why he could not walk around with several security guards.
“I never believed in security. I don’t want it. I never wanted to wander with three of these boys. I think this would be a nightmare for us.
He continued that the incident was a mistake and it is believed that the man did not enter his house that he did not know whose house it was. “This is not an internal task. It is none of these things. And the police have done a good job. I feel very safe in Mumbai. I think it’s a completely safe city, but yes, We hear about such things.
Khan said that anyone has to lock the doors and windows properly in every other place in the world, and destiny does not have to be tempted.
He reiterated that the event would not change his life and should not be because it would be “wrong”. He added that the situation was trying to steal something “because of disappointment.”
“Timor said he [the intruder] Sorry because he is sure the boy is hungry. I also believe that I would forgive him. I feel bad for her, until she comes a knife and my spine comes and the fact that she tried to kill me. At that point I stopped feeling bad for him. I think he did so, but when he got mad at me, he crossed the line.
The actor said he did not blame the society, the police or the Mumbai city. Instead, he blamed himself for not locking the area properly. However, he said he was not sure that something like this could happen.
When he was asked if he was in some different ways, he said, “I will shed light and first say to him, ‘Do you know who I am?” And I think, ‘Oh S *** I am in the wrong house.’ I think it was a mixture of anger, anger and a kind of defense. “