Sultani Makenga: The M23 leader whose career charts the turmoil in Rwanda and DR Congo

Along with the asset, Macinga faced a bitter division within M33. On the one hand, he supported him as a leader, while the other supported his rival, General Basco Nataganda.

Enough projectFor, for, for,. ExternalA non -profit group working in Dr. Congo said the two factions landed in the “full war” in 2013, and as a result, three soldiers and eight civilians were killed.

Makianga’s team fled the winner and General Nataganda Rwanda, where it surrendered to the US embassy.

“Terminator” was nominated for his ruthlessness, General Netaganda was finally sentenced to 30 years in prison by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes.

However, months after Macinga’s victory, another, a major danger appeared. The United Nations deployed 3,000 strong forces with the mandate to assist the Cangali army in regaining Goma, indicating that the M33 was withdrawn.

The rebel group was expelled from the country and Macinga fled Uganda, a country that has also been accused of supporting M33 – the allegations have been denied.

Uganda received a delivery request from Dr. Congo to Makanga, but did not follow it.

Eight years have passed. Dozens of other armed groups were roaming the east, rich in minerals, but Congress officials were free from the most notorious militants.

That is, by 2021.

Macinga and her rebels once again picked up arms, and they arrested the area in northern Kiwu province.

Several ceasefire between M33 and the Congress officials failed, and last year a judge sentenced Macinga to death in absenteeism.

During the latest development of M33, which is said to be supported by thousands of rebel soldiers, Makianga has been barely seen in the public.

Instead, they leave public speeches and statements on their spokesperson, and Corneel Nanga, who heads the coalition of rebel groups, including M33.

But Macinga remains an important player, which appears to be focusing on the strategy behind the curtain.

He has said that his infinite battle has been for his three children, “so that one day he will have a better future in this country”.

He said, “I should not be seen as a man who does not want peace. My heart, a family, and the people I care about is.”

But millions of ordinary people are paying the price for the dispute, and if they are caught by the Congress forces, Makianga will face the death sentence.

Yes, she is unreasonable.

“I am ready to sacrifice everything,” he said.

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