Suffolk County child tests positive for measles, health officials say

Health officials say the measles case has been confirmed on Long Island

Health officials say the measles case has been confirmed on Long Island


A child in Safulic County has a positive experience MeaslesHealth officials say.

According to the Safulic County Department of Health Services, the child is under 5 years of age and faces.

Officials say the child did not enter day care or school while being infectious.

“When we follow the matter and closely monitor potential exhibitions, we strictly encourage all residents to protect their health and the health of their youngest and the weakest residents that they exist on time and more. [with] His measles vaccine and all the recommended and life -saving vaccines were recommended. “Dr. Gregon Pagot, commissioner of Safulic County Health Services, said in a statement.

Possible exhibition of measles at Cohen Children’s Medical Center

Health officials say anyone who visited the Pediatric Emergency Department at the Cohen Children’s Medical Center from March 3-4, or could have been exposed to meeting patients in Madison 3 units between March 3-6.

Patients visiting the Emergency Department and Pediatric Floor will be contacted at the time of a possible exhibition.

Experts say the measles is extremely contagious and spreads by breathing or touching the contaminated surface in the virus, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth.

The non -existent people who are in front of the measles should quarantine for 21 days.

This year is the third reported case of measles in the New York state so far, followed by Two certified measles cases in New York City. They both patient -a newborn and a baby – Has been recovered then.

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