Students Designing Mental Health Journey for Fashion Showcase Attendees

In Michigan’s Midland, on April 11, 2025, students will take participants through mental health journey during Northwood University Fashion Showcase this year.

“The topic of this year’s show, my fabric, promotes the idea that although you can struggle with mental health, you are connected to the clothing we wear through others, and this dress can represent how we feel,” a student who presides over this year’s show, a student. “This show is not only special to us because of its forced theme but also because it’s 25Third The anniversary of Northwood University fashion showcase.

Britch explained that this year’s show wants to point out that mental health problems are okay and on the other hand there is light (and this fashion can help us to visit hard time).

Britch noted, “This year’s show classes are a coalition of silence, fracture reflection, emergence, self and contact.” “It will help the audience guide the audience through a unique journey of mental health while highlighting the importance of mental health.”

In addition, the future Northwood University fashion showcase will include POP popup shops for the use of participants by local businesses.

Northwood University Fashion Showcase (NUFS) is a fully -led signing program that is supported by former students and sponsors. This gives students experience in various fashion and production roles. The following students are also included in this year’s show (all are from Michigan unless otherwise described):

  • Steven Hackbesta of Midland, Director of Marketing Team, Midland
  • Finance Team Director Wood Haven’s Piper Barnart
  • Mia Thomson, director of the stylist team
  • Edison Cox of Mansfield, Ohio, Student Design Team Director
  • Director of Production Team, Claire’s Riley Hair
  • Galloward’s Norah Henley, auxiliary to the chair
  • University Relations Chair, Carson Guts of Brighton
  • Midland’s Maggie Nelson, Content Create
  • Emma Ludy of Hillsdel, Content Creator
  • Melissa Aniso of Taylor, Fundraising Coordinator
  • Halebs of HillsDele, Fundraising Coordinator
  • Alex Carlson of Patosky, Sales Manager
  • Model Coordinator, Benefits Shi’an Brexit
  • Leviston’s Aure Haston, Student Stylist
  • Sanford’s Heady Merlt, Student Stylist and Student Designer
  • New Baltimore’s Macailla McG, Student Stylist
  • Student Stylist and Student Designer, Macomab’s Rahil Nejant
  • Bed X’s Andrew Vogel, Student Stylist
  • Students’ Design Assistant, New Boston’s Analysis Lemonchs
  • Lenny Jackway of Harbor Springs, Student Designer
  • Columbus, Ohio’s Jellyg Bacore, Ohio, Student Designer
  • Ohio’s Mary Wil’s Elijah Thorneburg, Production Assistant
  • Freezer, Ariana Valecoxia of Logistics Lead
  • Reagan Felis of Alga, decoration and design lead

“Students have been working hard all year to drown the audience in a memorable mental health journey,” said Dr. Scott Warner, the faculty advisor of the NUFS and the Merchandizing and Marketing Program.

For more details of the event, and to buy tickets, watch

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