Businesses in the District District are backing up against the proposal, which will eliminate a traffic lane from most of the Pan Avenue in the strip.
Businesses have created a request that the city is asked to change the course, and if you walk with the strip, you will see signs that are part of this effort.
These changes, including adding a motorcycle lane, will affect Pan Eveen from 22nd Street to the 31st Street. The two lanes will be in the most famous part of the strip, where the Enzer, Sarah and Pan Mac, will be located.
Jim Coen, the owner of the Enzers and the President of the Strip District Business Association in Berg, says the future of the strip is at stake.
Quinn said, “It will hurt every business here.” I mean it is already dense, and we have 3,300 new residents who have just arrived, I mean why you will take the lanes, you think you can add lanes if you can. ”
Quinn and other business owners say that they have been talked about that the part of the Pan Avenue that will lose the lane, whenever a person stops to park or transmit, he rises.
“I am sure the traffic will be too high, and our grievance will not come back,” said Quinn.
He said that if the city moves forward on a separate proposal to change the Liberty Avenue, drivers may face the same problems, and it reduces it to one traffic lane in each direction with two lanes in any direction.
He said that fifty percent of the business owners whom they have spoken are against the project.
Jerome Turner, the owner of the Legislators Boutique, said he was against the changes in the Pan Avenue, but he says his consumers will find a way to reach them, even if the area is more dense.
Eric Boyer, director of the Motorcycle Pittsburg Advocate, said the city’s data shows that some business owners have been exaggerated.
“Statistics show that it will not cause major problems, but what it will do, people have a slowdown in reality.”
“It is important, because the street is dangerous,” he said.
A city spokesperson told us that the Strip District has infrequent injury accidents with Pan Avenue.
“Cars are really moving fast, and the reason is that they really run fast because the roads are slightly built,” said Boyer. “There are many lanes for the number of cars.”
The city disagrees with this sentiment, with the spokesperson saying that in the growing district, it is enough to give the road the right with the same travel lane to meet the demand for vehicle travel.
The way Boyer sees it, allowing people to run safely in business is good for business.
Quinn said, “We care about the safety of our customers,” it gets busy here, it gets busy, but listen, we have not had any deadly accidents on our road. “
He said he was also worried about how emergency vehicles can be affected by the lack of lane and how the businesses can have the ability to load/remove vehicles.
A spokesman for Mayor Guinea told us that he attended a public rally about the project last year where he had a healthy conversation.
Quinn said he sent a letter to Guinea, expressing her concerns a month later and did not listen to her.
At the end of the spring, a pre -construction rally is being made public.