Stranger helps stray dog cross the street in a random act of kindness


A motorcyclist became a guardian angel when he saw a wandering dog trying to cross a busy street in Bangkok, Thailand.

City traffic can be difficult for people to communicate, but this is a dangerous nightmare for a wandering dog! And what is, traffic in Thai’s capital, Bangkok can be notoriously restless! So, when a stranger saw a lonely dog ​​trying to cross the busy road, he stopped to offer the helper.

Watch the video to see a man’s random compassion toward a wandering dog.

After erecting his motorcycle, the man waited for the patient with the patient’s pok to make a difference in traffic. Then, when the road was cleansed by a moment, it guided the dog to protect it.

Take a moment to see these other random tasks caught on the camera!

Starting on February 14, during the random tasks of the kind week, we celebrate many good works that help make the world a better place. In 1982, the magazine author and editor Ann Herbert created phrases of ‘practice random compassion and beauty movements’.

Thirteen years later, his words impressed the creation of random tasks of random tasks, the random Act of the Foundation encouraged people to be kind and pay forward.

Please have many ways to participate in the random movements of the week, with large gestures such as donating blood to easy tasks, paying a stranger’s coffee or walking to a friend’s dog.

Whatever you do, the purpose is to make kindness routine for the week and beyond, because when we all benefit when kindness and generosity becomes a way of life. You can share your compassion with us on social media using the #randomactsofhumankind hashtag.

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