Starbucks ordered to pay $50 million to delivery driver burned by hot coffee

New York
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A jury in California on Friday The star box ordered a delivery driver to pay the million 50 million damages, which was severely burned by a safe lid on hot drinks.

Michael Garcia was picking up a drink by a drive in Los Angeles when he “suffered severe burns, notorious, and weakened his genitals with nerve damage when hot drinks eventually stuck in his lap,” to protect California.

Michael Parker, Garcia’s lawyer, said his client was picking up three drinks and a hot drink was not completely pushed into the container. Parker said that when Barsta ordered Garcia, a beverage fell from a container and on Garcia.

According to a decision recording from the court of the courtroom, the loss of Garcia includes physical pain, mental pain, enjoying life, humiliation, discomfort, sorrow, renovation, physical impairment, anxiety and emotional distress.

Starbucks said he intends to appeal Decision

A company spokesman said in a statement, “We sympathize with Mr Garcia, but we do not agree with the jury’s decision that we are making a mistake for this incident and they believe that excessive losses have been given.” “We are always committed to the highest safety standards in our stores, including handling hot drinks.”

The litigation is reminiscent of the 1994 famous trial against McDonald’s, in which a woman spreads warm coffee in her lap and suffered a third degree. In this case, the plaintiff, Stella Libcick, was actually awarded about $ 3 million.

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