Stampede at India’s Maha Kumbh Mela Hindu Festival Leaves Pilgrims Hurt

A huge festival in the Indian city of Pre -thunder was feared to kill many people on Wednesday after millions of Hindu pilgrims in the Maha Kambha Mela, who came to bathe in the waters of the holy river, on which it was a very good. One of the dates is considered. Hindu calendar.

Government officials said that when the pilgrims arrived at the junction of the Ganges and Yamona rivers, which Hindus were considered sacred, hundreds of people who were sleeping on the banks of the river were disrupted and the barrier was broken. Others were trying to escape after bathing, increasing chaos.

Videos and photos of the scene covered people on the ground, their bodies and faces, and emergency personnel were shown emergency personnel carrying people to stretches and ambulances. The festival organizers have not yet released any accident data, but local reports say dozens have died.

One of the world’s largest religious gatherings, the Kambhah festival takes place every 12 years in the pre -thunder. Hindus believe that a place where two sacred rivers meet, with which a third legend is combined with the river, called Saraswati, will purify them from all sins and to achieve salvation. Will help. Due to some favorable heavenly alignment, millions of more were expected this year, named “Maha” or Great Kambah.

Although many days for bathing during the event are considered to be. Government officials said they expect about 100 million people coming to the rivers at the moment.

The state of Uttar Pradesh, where the pro -thunder, estimates that about 400 400 million people will attend a six -week festival from all corners of India. To keep them all, the government built a temporary city on the banks of the Ganges, with tents, toilets, streets, Pontoon bridges and waste management facilities. The government also made a temporary bathing platform using sandbags to make people easier to step into the water.

On Wednesday, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Aditya Nath urged the pilgrims to perform their rituals on the nearest platform instead of pressing to go to the confluence.

The threat posed by a large crowd in Kambha festival and other religious events has been a continuous problem. In 2013, 42 people were killed and 45 were injured in a crowd on the train platform. And in July, more than 100 people were killed and many were injured during a prayer organized by a local guru, which officials said that high temperatures and sheep were flared.

Government officials became very organized and focused on the safety and security of the pilgrims after the 2013 deaths. This year, the Uttar Pradesh government has used more sophisticated technology to monitor the emission and extraction of the people so that the police personnel on the ground can redirect the crowd.

Vijay Vishwas Pant, a senior government official on Tuesday, said that the pilgrims “come slowly and come out simultaneously.” Mr Paint said that millions of pilgrims had begun to penetrate during the day, but there was no fixed formula for how to get out of the crowd. He added that the purpose was to keep the pilgrims safe. “It’s all dynamic.”

Despite the precautions, the festive employees and others were encouraging the rivers to go to the junction, some used the public address system to do the same. Officials said the policemen were unable to clear the bathing areas before performing more pilgrims. When the pilgrims tried to escape, according to the witness accounts, they created a situation like a fugitive.

The Kambha Mela Festival, which roams in four cities every three years, is known for a large number of Hindu devotees, including monks and sensations, from various orders of Hindu religion and ordinary pilgrims.

This is a developing story that will be updated.

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