Springy poles and forehead straps: How to carry more than your own bodyweight

The military burden also offers a charming lens in our ability to hold the extreme weight.

Soldiers often wear and pick up it. More than 45 kg (99lbs), which have equipment and weapons for survival and protection, such as body armor, ammunition, patrol packs and heavy shoes. This is especially true where motor vehicles cannot be used, either because of To avoid the risk of a region or detectionAnd because of this, the success of survival and mission is often dependent on how fast the soldiers can move on such weight.

A review The physical impact of training on the performance of load carriage in a military environment shows that combined methods of physical training have greatly improved their ability to lift heavy weights – especially when progressive resistance training aerobic training Mixed together, at least three times per week in four weeks. .

Interestingly is that Hybrid trainingThe combination of cardio and strength training, has recently been seen a burst of popularity. Social media As both running, they want to add weightlifting to their routine to get the benefits of both types of exercise.

Indeed, Including strength training to your workout system is now widely encouraged by national organizations. Health companies. For example, the American Heart Association Supports the cardiovascular benefits of training 30 to 60 minutes per week. As a general health guideline posts, American centers to control and prevent diseases Suggest spending two days a week where you add some strength training to your routine, such as National Health Service In the UK

This guidance is especially important in our context. The old population – By 2030, 20% of Americans will grow old. 65 or more. As a people’s age, a natural Muscle mass and loss of strength But if done several times a week, strength can help keep safe. Bone condensationReduce the risk of osteoporosis and improve flexibility, sleep and self -esteem.

Although you will never have to carry a burden on the mountains like a Sherpa or you will not want to break a world record like the Olympic Weightlifters – perhaps the extraordinary power of these people will encourage you to lift the dumbbell and see How much can you pick up

Come on, you can surprise yourself.

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