Several nationalities among Sweden school shooting victims, police say | Sweden

Police said that the 11th killed in a school in Sweden’s worst mass firing included people from several nationalities.

Anna Bergcoast, who is guiding police investigations, told the Agency French Press that people of “numerous nationalities, different genres and different ages” were among those who were a lonely gunman at Campus Rasbagska, an adult educational center, a lonely gunman. The dead were killed, which was an adult education center in the city of Rabbro. Tuesday

The Syrian Embassy at the Stockholm said its civilians were among the dead.

So far, the police had rarely revealed about the victims or the gunman, in addition to it, in addition to it.

“With the Embassy of Syria’s Arab Republic of Sweden, Swedish strongly condemns the criminal incident in the city of Arbru, resulting in… innocent victims.” Official Facebook page.

He said that his sincere condolences have been expressed to the relatives of the victims, including dear Syrian citizens and friendly Swedish people, and we wish to recover the injured soon. It also confirms its alliance with the Swedish government and in these traumatic situations.

It added: “The embassy stands near the families of Syrian and Swedish victims and desires for security, stability and prosperity for the Swedish kingdom.”

The Guardian has contacted the Syrian Embassy in Stockholm and Police to comment on the nationality of the victims.

The suspected gunman, who was among the victims, was named in media reports, named after 35 -year -old Record Anderson, who lived locally. He is believed to have participated in some math classes in school a few years ago and has been unemployed for a decade.

On Thursday, the police once again refused to confirm his identity unless they had a DNA confirmation. He has earlier said that the suspect has nothing to do with criminal groups and there is nothing to suggest that he worked on ideological grounds.

On Thursday, police said the suspect had a four -weapon license. All of them were seized by the police – three of whom were with him when the officers rescued him.

Bergcoast said: “What we can say is that there is information that he can somehow connected to the school, so that he has studied at this school first.”

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Police said that although the investigation is “starting to clear”, they were not ready to give detailed answers. We want to make sure that before speaking.

He said he had searched the suspect’s house, examined his phone and was entering the film and sound clips presented by witnesses.

He said that when he arrived at the school about five minutes after the alarm was raised at 12.33 pm on Tuesday evening, the officers met “Enforno”.

Airborough police chief Lars Verin said: “He [police] Tell us what can be described as a drain with dead people, injured people, screams and smoke.

He said that shortly after his entering, he could see the smoke rising and thought he was being shot by a nearby gunman. “They see a criminal equipped with a rifle -shaped weapon.”

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