Serbian students block Belgrade road junction to increase pressure on Vučić | Serbia

Serbian students have shown a day’s obstacle to a major traffic intersection in Belgrade with the help of farmers, which has increased the pressure on President, Alexander Voices.

On November 1, a wave of student -led protests began in the northern city of Novi after the roof of the railway station collapsed, killing 15 people.

Despite attacks on protesters and limited government privileges, daily protests have increased and spread, affecting more than 100 cities and towns and increasing the help of judiciary, teachers, private businesses and members of the general public. Has been done

On Monday, protesters seized Autocomanda Junction, where two major roads from the southeast are found on the way to the center of Belgrade.

Thousands of balloid residents joined the protests with some farmers who brought their tractors to the capital, some of which were used to protect the protesters, including two serious incidents of crowds of protesters. Was used later.

The appearance of farmers and tractors was widespread protests and the march on Belgrade, which eventually brought down the government of Silboden Melovie in 2000. However, Melvi’s decline only happened when the key elements of the security forces fell against it.

On December 22, after a record 100,000 people protesting in Belgrade, Voices threatened them, saying that Serbia’s special forces would “throw them in 6-7 seconds”. But this danger has been widely attracted to the humor and has not yet tried to use security forces to break the protest.

The government has tried to meet some of the students’ demands, most importantly, rejecting some documents about the elimination of the new seed station umbrella, renovating the station through Chinese -led consortium. It happened immediately.

Demonstrators claim that the end was due to corruption and corner cutting in construction work. Thirteen people have been charged with the disaster, including former Serbian Minister of Transport Goron Weis, who resigned a few days after the end.

The government released more relevant documents on Sunday, but it is unclear whether it will be enough to end the demonstrations. Protesters are calling for the abolition of legalism against protesters, arrest of those involved in attacks on protesters and increased financial support for education and education.

Elida Varai, a co -founder and executive director of a think tank focusing on Western Balkan, said the hardship of the demonstration represents a serious challenge for voyy, which Serbia’s politics after becoming prime minister in 2014 Has dominated

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He said he could really pose a threat to his unique style. These students overtake the usual opposition and ignore the standard playbook to deal with ineffective governance. They do not dialogue or compromise, they demand that companies only do their jobs. “This straightforward simplicity is the one that stings the most, and Serbia’s political tool is far more than the grip of the box.

He said that thousands of people around the demand for solidarity – justice – they found a powerful and resonance message and mobilized thousands. In the Balkans, where injustice has been tolerated for a long time, the call for change is immediately felt. It is about time that changed and spread somewhere.

Edward Joseph, a former US diplomat at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, said it is possible that the political tide is moving in Serbia.

He wrote in a social media post, “Teachers – and many other professions – led these students since the end of the November 1 train station umbrella in Novi seed.” “Allegedly, even judges – eminent state employees – left the courts to support the protesters … The element of fear was over. Even in a notorious Balkan democracy, people still have agency and They can still demand accountability.

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