Second judge orders temporary halt to Trump’s effort to end birthright citizenship | US immigration

On Wednesday, a federal judge ordered another temporary break on Donald Trump’s executive order, which illegally tried to end birthright citizenship for everyone born in the United States illegally in the country Was gone

US District Judge Deborah Boardman said no court in the country has confirmed the interpretation of the 14th amendment of the Trump administration.

“This court will not be the first,” he said.

Trump’s opening week was temporarily holding a national level due to a separate trial brought by four states in the state of Washington, where a judge called the order “clearly unconstitutional” It was Overall, 22 states as well as other organizations have also filed a lawsuit for trying to stop the executive action.

Former President Joe Biden, a boardman, agreed to a preliminary order after hearing in the Federal Court in the Green Belt in Maryland. Bringing a suit before the boardman is the lawyer of immigrant rights, Kasa and Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project, and a handful of expected mothers.

There is the 14th Amendment to the Constitution at the Center for Lawyer, which has been ratified in 1868 after the US Civil War and Drad Scott Supreme Court decision, deciding that Scott, a slave person, was not a citizen.

The plaintiffs argued in this case, “The principle of the citizenship of Birthright is the basis of our national democracy, which is made in the laws of our nation, and after the generation of citizens, the common sense of the generation has been created. “”

The Trump administration has emphasized that non -Citizens’ children are not subject to the United States “jurisdiction” and that they are not entitled to citizenship.

The government responded to the case of the plaintiffs in Maryland, “The Constitution does not counter the clause of the Windfall that gives American citizenship: the children of those who have stopped (or straightforward federal immigration laws (or straight).”

The 14th Amendment was included as a result of the US Civil War to ensure the citizenship of former slaves and free African Americans. It states: “All the people of the United States or natural nature and its jurisdiction are citizens of the United States and the state in which they live.”

In addition to 22 states with the Democratic Attorney General, trying to stop the order, 18 Republican Attorney General announced this week that he joined the president’s order by joining one of the federal suits brought to New Hampshire. Trying

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The United States is one of about 30 countries where the citizenship of birthright – the principle of Just Soli, or the “right of soil” – applies. Most are in the United States, Canada and Mexico.

During his first week, Trump signed 10 immigration executive orders and issued orders to promise mass deportation and border security.

Immediately to some actions. It was felt. Others face legal challenges. Even if they are at all, other orders may take many years, but the migrant communities have caused fear.

Whether Trump enforces his agenda. It is expected that the Congress will soon consider the support of the fund. Trump can use emergency options to tap the Defense Department, as he did for the border wall during his first term.

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