Scientists uncover oldest face in Western Europe – DW – 03/13/2025

Scientists in Spain have excavated facial bones, which can be related to the former human family’s unknown species.

According to a research published on Wednesday in the journal Nature, the bones are about 1.1 million to 1.4 million years old.

Archaeologists say the discovery is attributed to adults as “pink”. It is the oldest face in Western Europe.

Gwashim was named nicknamed the English rock band punk Flied.

Sample discovered in 2022

The upper jaw bone and partial cheek bone were found in 2022 in the northern region of Spain at the Atapur archeology.

Since then, a team of scientists from the country has been working to find out more about human ancestors.

During a conference, Rosa Hugwaite, the lead researcher at the University of Roofra first Virgili in Spain, said that “a new actor has been introduced in the history of human evolution in Europe.”

The bones were dug on the Sima Del -Eleifant Cave site, which was about 250 meters away, from which the former old man of Western Europe – Homo Anti -Paisition was found 20 years ago.

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What do scientists know?

The pink facial facial anatomy is more ancient than the homo -intestinal, which was settled in Western Europe about 850,000 years ago.

Although the Homo Entroper had a slim midface that resembles modern people, Maria Martin Torris, director of the National Research Center for Human Evolution and Study’s Co -Author, said that the face of the new gosh is more “ahead and stronger.”

Homo Erics has something similar, which is why it has been temporarily named Homo Ephedrus Erics.

Homo Erics lived about 2 million years ago and moved from Africa to Asia and Europe.

Archaeological species ended nearly 100,000 years ago.

Researchers added that incomplete focus was not enough to conclude that Pink is still related to the so -called ancient human nature, but he said it could be a real possibility.

Edited: Karen Berk

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