Scientists Protested Donald Trump’s Cuts And Their Protest Signs Were A+

Approximately 30 “stand for science” rallies Air On Friday, the Trump administration’s research funds around the world to protest against cuts and changes in science policy.

Citizens Park setting up “cardboard marks who read” Standup 4 Science “

Well, scientists clearly showed and showed some very clever protests.

With a large mob, science and research supporting in a park protests, such as messages & quotes; Stand for science & quot; And & quot; Research saves life. & quot;

With messages such as “Standup for Science” and “Research”, with large crowds, supporting science and research, in a park protest.

Here are some of the best:


A cartoon mapat character and a mark with text: & quot; This is the only orange mapat that I trust to tell about science. & quot;

Demonstrators with a cartoon mapat character and text with text: “This is the only orange mapat to tell me about science that I trust.”


People with protests that support science and research, read a & quot; I hate the crowd more misinformation than hate. & quot;

People with a protest indicator who support science and research, one wrote, “I hate the crowd more misconceptions than hate.”




A person in the rally that has a symbol that & quot; Science is not political! & quot; With a female symbol

A person in the rally that has a symbol that writes that “science is not political!” With a female symbol


People organized signs of protests to reduce science financing in the streets. A symbol has presented the face of Albert Einstein in a hilarious manner

People organized signs of protests to reduce science financing in the streets. A symbol has presented the face of Albert Einstein in a hilarious manner


A protest people have held an indicator & quot; Chirano gave me 7 extra years with his mother. Thanks science! & quot;

A protest people showed a sign, saying, “Chiruno gave me 7 extra years with his mother. Thanks science!”


Person a Person with a Superman logo and text: & quot; 's' is for science & quot; During a public program

Person with a Superman logo and a mark with text: during a public program “The ‘S’ is for Science”




In a protest people have signs with messages such as & quot; Think that it is still legal. & quot;

In the protest, people have signs with messages such as “think it is still legal”.


The person says they say sign & quot; Science cannot be silenced & quot; In a protest

A person who has a sign of “Science cannot be silenced” in a protest


Washington monument protesters read a symbol & quot; America has a problem & quot; With a small American flag

Demonstrators through a Washington monument have pointed out “US is a problem” with a small US flag


Two people that have a symbol written, & quot; The Funding Lab is the Powerhouse, & quot; Stands behind the obstruction of metal

Two people that have a sign that is written, “Funding is the powerhouse of the lab,” stands behind the metal barrier




The person has cardboard sign with the text: & quot; What science punch Nazis & quot; And a picture of a fist with a scientific device

The person has cardboard sign with the text: “Do science to punch Nazis” and a pic of fist with a scientific device


The person has to read the protest mark, & quot; Science: It is better to make things! & quot; The road mark in the background is visible

The person has to read the mark of protest, “Science: Better than making things!” The road mark in the background is visible


An adult and child with protests about climate change in front of the historic building sitting while sitting while sitting.

An adult and child with protests about climate change in front of the historic building sitting while sitting while sitting.


Demonstrators indicators, a reading & quot; Gathered with our funds or your funeral, & quot; Advocating for climate action in a public park sequence

Demonstrators gathered with indicators, reading a “our fund or your funeral”, which advocates for climate action in a public park setting.




A symbol that is read in, & quot; We just want to learn things and help people! & quot; In the outdoor event

A mark that is written, “We just want to learn things and help people!” In the outdoor event


A person with a protest mark that texts the angry mouse & quot; Shifted with crazy scientist & quot. During a public rally

A person with a protest mark to photograph the angry mouse with the text of the “crazy scientist” during a public rally


Conducting a symbol reading to a person, & quot; It's not that moment ... it's movement, & quot; At a public gathering, sitting near Barcade

Reading a mark, “This is not the moment … this is the movement,” at a public gathering, sitting near a barrier


Rally people have indicators advocating for scientific research and treatment

Rally people have indicators advocating for scientific research and treatment




The person in the car has to read the protest mark & ​​quot; Dictators are afraid of scientists, & quot; To observe with a passer -by in the forecast

The person in a car “frightened by dictator scientists”, with a passer -by in the forefront “frightened the dictator scientists”


The person holds a sign near the Washington monument that reads, & quot; Politics in politics = spreading measles, eliminating science. & quot;

The person has placed a mark near Washington memorial, “Politics in science = the spread of measles, eliminating science.”


A person has a sign that says & quot; Billi taught you better & quot; Are playing other claps in a protest

One person has a gesture that says, “Billi taught you better” in a protest. Are playing other claps around


A crowd in a rally, which indicates a person who says, & quot; This symbol is flat, not ground. & quot;

In a rally, a crowd, in which a man held a mark, said, “This mark is flat, not the ground.”




Reading a sign of a person involved in the crowd & quot; Trust on your nerve & quot; Other signs support science during a rally. People are dressed for cold weather

In a crowd, a person has a mark by reading “trusting his nerves” during a rally. Other signs support science. People are dressed for cold weather


A huge group of protesters, symbols of symbols with some messages such as & quot; Divide the cells, not countries, & quot; Collect and march in a peaceful demonstration

A large group of protesters, with messages like “countries distributing countries”, gather and march in a peaceful demonstration


Large crowds in front of Lincoln Memorial; Person Sign Reading & quot; After global pandemic diseases, only fools fail scientific research. & quot;

Large crowds in front of Lincoln Memorial; The person “has signed a signal to sign a scientific research only after global pandemic diseases.”


A large crowd gathered in a protest near Washington Memorial, which contains signs of science and education.

A large crowd gathered in a protest near Washington Memorial, which contains signs of science and education.




A mark person reading & quot; Science not silence & quot; In the outdoor gathering with others around

Person with a mark reading “No Science Not Silent” with others nearby


Demonstrators have signs, one reads: & quot; We can treat cancer ... but we are here. & quot;

Demonstrators have signs, one reads: “We can treat cancer … but we are here.”


Two people have signs of protest. One reads, & quot; Science keeps you alive, & quot; And second, & quot; What about the facts? & quot;

Two people have signs of protest. One reads, “Science keeps you alive,” and second, “What do you think about facts?”


Person Reading Person & Quot; Knowledge is not a waste of power & quot; In a crowd

A person with a “not wasting knowledge power” in a crowd




The crowd gathers in front of the Lincoln Memorial, which is a symbol that is read & quot; Science is for everyone! & quot;

The crowd gathers in front of the Lincoln Memorial, which has a sign that “science is for everyone!”


A crowd gathers out with a person with a sign: & quot; Good luck going to Mars without science, & quot; A & quot; Crazy scientist & quot; Lab coat

A crowd gathers out with a person that indicates: “Lucky on Mars without science,” “crazy scientist” wearing lab coat


A banner who reads & quot; Science makes America great & quot; In a rally

A banner who reads “Science America Great” in a rally


Person Reading the Signs of Protests & quot; Fireing scientists creates a dirt storm & quot; In a crowded rally

The person has staged a protest mark in a crowded rally “to create a humble storm by dismissing scientists”




A symbol that is read in, & quot; Science: It is better to find things to find things! & quot; In any protest or rally

A sign that is written, “Science: Finding things is better than making things!” In any protest or rally


Reading the protest indicators, & quot; Got the measles? Neither me Thanks, science! & quot; And & & quot; Science saves life. & quot;

Reading the protest hints, “Did I get measles? Thanks, science!” And “science saves life.”


Persons of protests including a proverb & quot; Make the US once again & quot; During a rally

During a rally, people who have protests, including “Create the United States Once again”

38.And finally:

The person has a symbol that reads & quot; I stand for science & quot; With a Baker drawing, in a demonstration between the crowd

The person has a gesture that writes that “I stand for science” with baker drawing, between the crowd in a demonstration in a demonstration

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