Scientists have used AI to discover an easy way to confuse quantum between Sabatometic particles, paving the way for simple quantum technologies.
When particles like photons are confused, they can share quantum features – including information – regardless of the distance between them. This trend is important Quantum Physics And is one of these features that makes Quantum computers So powerful
But quantum confusion bonds have generally been challenging for scientists to create. The reason for this is that it requires the preparation of two separate couples, then the measurement of the confusion-which is called the Bell State measure-each of the couple’s photons.
These measurements cause the quantum system to collapse and confuse two non -derivative photons, yet they never had a direct conversation with each other. This process of “turning into confusion” can be used for quantum teleportation.
In a new research, appeared in the journal on December 2, 2024 Physical review postsScientists used to use PaitisAn AI tool that is specifically designed to design quantum optic experiences. Initially, the authors of this dissertation went out to reproduce the protocol set up to confuse quantum communication. However, the AI toll continued to develop a very easy way to get the quantum confusion of photons.
“The authors were able to train the nervous network on a set of complex data, telling how you have set up such experience in many variations, and the network has really learned the physics behind it,” Sofia ValcorusaA research physicist for quantum technology move screenWho were not involved in new research, told Science directly.
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Tapping into AI to make quantum confusion easier
The AI device suggested that the confusion could emerge because the photon’s paths could not be separated: when there are many potential sources when the photons could come, and if their origin was separated from each other, then there could be confusion between them when there was no one before.
Although scientists were initially skeptical of the results, the device continued to return the same solution, they experienced this theory. Adjusting photons sources and ensuring that they are different, physicists have created conditions where photons are detected on some routes, guaranteed that two others are confused.
This progress in quantum physics has eased the process by which quantum confusion can be created. In the future, it can contain the implications of quantum networks used for safe messaging, which can make these technologies very much.
“The more we can rely on simple technology, the more we can increase the range of applications,” said Welcoresa. “The possibility of building more complex networks that can remove branches in different geometry can have a major impact on the case from an end to the end.”
Even though technology is practical to scale in a commercially viable process, however, environmental noise and device flaws can lead to volatility in the quantum system.
New research also provides a convincing argument for the use of AI as a research tool by physicists. “We are looking for more in introducing the AI, but there are still some doubts, mostly because once we start going like this, what will happen to the physician’s role?” “This is an opportunity to achieve a very interesting result, and it shows how it can be a device that physicians use.”