By 2020, very few Americans needed to think about how the virus spreads or how the human immune system works. The epidemic diseases presented a traumatic accident course. Sometimes, it seemed that science itself was developing from the virus itself.
So the New York Times asked experts to revise the nightmare. One of the most important steps of the health of the health during the coyode, which is scientifically established, and those who have been damaged?
The question is especially important, because epidemic diseases that give birth to American lives are inevitable. A candidate has already surfaced: Bird Flu.
Many experts said that perhaps the biggest lesson has been learned, that recommendations during any pandemic diseases are essentially emerging and incomplete information. But during the Covid, federal agencies often assessed more confidence in their studies, much more confirmed.
Next time, scientists said, officials should be more clear about uncertainty and prepare a prepare to guide the public, which can change with the clear focus of danger.
Instead of promoting precautionary measures as an inflammatory solution, they should also recognize that no interference is perfect – though many incomplete measures can develop a blonde.
If you get out of a big, heavy, heavy rain storm, your umbrella will not stop you from getting wet alone, “said Lens Mart, a plane -driven virus expert in Virginia Tech.
“You need your umbrella. You need your shoes. You need your waterproof pants and jackets. And you will probably try to avoid pits.
A victory, but the officials first promoted the benefits.
The MRNA vaccine, in a sense, was suffering from his unexpected success in clinical trials in 2020. These results were amazing: shots away from symbolic disease due to the actual version of the corona virus at miraculous rates.
But government officials had to return to their enthusiasm as the infection had to increase with various types of infection with a variety of delta in the summer of 2021. Americans were asked to take a booster. Then and then.
Natalie Dean, a biostatic expert at the University of Emuri, said that federal health officials should initially admit that the long -term impact was not known.
The protection of the covide vaccines and the influence of effectiveness is now controlling other vaccines, including targeting measles such as childhood diseases.
“Initially claiming that all the infections are being prevented, I think, to a little bit of a bit of a degree,” said Saskia Popesco, a Maryland University infection expert.
Still, vaccines saved a Estimates to know 14 million Only in the first year after their introduction.
The plane spread
The levels were not a problem. It was indoor.
There were deep rumors about how the Corona virus traveled about the differences between scientists, how the Americans were told to protect themselves.
Initially, health officials insisted that the virus had spread through large droplets that were about to spill or sneak on other people or items by an affected person. The “fumite” theory caused the protocol that created very little meaning in the retreat.
Remember the obstacles to Plexeglass during presidential debates? Face shield? Schools closed to clean up the mid -day of the week. People were cleaning the grocery and mail.
“The whole hygiene theater was very unfortunate,” said Michael Oster Holm, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Minnesota. He wasted millions of dollars and gave people a false sense of security.
It took several months to acknowledge the health agencies that the virus was picked up by small droplets, called aerosol, which can be traveled outside the house for a distance. Sadly, this insight was another result of another abuse.
Dr. Dan said some states closed the beaches and parks, and forbids outside conversations, though “there is good scientific evidence that external events are less dangerous.”
Finally, understanding that the virus was mainly floating inside the house, forcing the Biden administration to get funds to improve ventilation in schools.
If you use the right mask correctly, he worked.
As pandemic disease spread in the United States, masking masked a mask at the cultural flashpoint with the intervention of public health.
Assuming that the Corona virus traveled like a flu and fears that the hospitals may not have enough resources, Federal Heath officials have told the public at first that the mask is not needed.
The advice was suddenly reversed when scientists learned that the Corona virus had occurred by the plane. Nevertheless, officials initially recommended a clothing mask – which is not very effective in maintaining the air -producing virus – and by January 2022, more protective N95 was not verified by the breathtaking, after which most people stopped using a clothing mask.
Dozens Studies Is Is shown When used correctly and permanently, the N95 masks or their equal affected people can prevent the virus from spreading and Protect the wearers By contracting it.
Unfortunately, numerous poor studies and personal freedom politics created a culture war on the use of the mask, especially through children, Bill Hinger, a pandemic at the Harvard Chen School of Public Health.
“In the event of another spread of breath,” I feel very restless that a whole circle has already rejected the mask, “he said.
Some experts noted that children in Asia wear normal masks, especially during respiratory viruses and allergies.
“I wish we could use more prevention of infection in early schools, especially during the respiratory virus season,” said Dr. Popeso. “It seemed like a really good way to bring children back to school.”
Food Exception
We never arrived there.
For almost two years after the outbreak of the pandemic disease, experts once talked about reaching the flock’s immunity when once the population was sick or vaccinated.
Experts said it was a mistake. The herd exception is possible only if the exception is sterilization. Most of the virus is not exempt.
Jeffrey Samon, a pandemic specialist at the University of Columbia, said that initially insisted that the new Corona virus could also cause rehabilitation, said people had changed their lives so fast to go through infection.
Once the vaccine arrived, officials first presented shots as a means to reduce the severity of the infection, instead of a means to be preserved from the virus forever.
Dr. Dan said, “There was a lot of confusion and misunderstandings about the flock’s immunity – that toothpaste was somehow going back to the tube.”
School closure
First is necessary. The question mark as time goes on.
Some aspects of the pandemic are just as provoking the Rainer as the school’s closure. In many parts of the country, the test score has never been recovered and absences have become a complex issue.
But experts said that closing schools in the spring of 2020 was the right decision, when a rich pathogen was shaking across the country. For example, schools must have reopened this fall, but ventilation, testing, mask – to reduce the steps.
“And of course, we really didn’t have any of these things.”
Until the early fall in 2020, it was clear that schoolchildren were not running a community transmission. Nevertheless, many schools remained closed for months, forcing children to mess with remote education and causes some people to fall back from Atal.
Dr. Shaman said, “It’s really difficult.
“We don’t have a response fact, this alternative scenario is to see how it really came out.”
If the bird flu turns into a pandemic disease, it would be foolish to lay the foundation of school policies how the Corona virus was treated, and others warned. Other respiratory viruses, such as flu, are fatal in young children and older adults.
“We have every reason to think that in the future, the infectious disease will be more dangerous for young people than Coid,” said Dr. Hung. “I think we should talk about what we can do to reduce transmission in schools.”
Lock down
They slowed the virus, but the price was high.
Pandemic diseases destroyed local businesses, increased unemployment rates and increased domestic debt. Now many people think that the lockdown has been blamed mostly for the loss – and that their losses have increased far more than any benefits.
Many scientists see it in different ways. “The economy closed only with pure force of epidemic diseases,” said Dr. Australia.
The policies of any US state did not close in China, India, Italy or to the hardship of these people Jordan – Where people were not allowed to leave home – and most of the workforce and social activities continued because they are considered necessary.
By the end of May 2020, indoor dining and religious services resumed in most parts of the country, if they were stopped at all, though many cities continue to impose temporary bans as the virus level increases and falls.
The shutdown may have been partially unpopular because they were introduced to no clear explanation or sight.
Instead, Dr. Oster Holm said, health officials could establish the concept of “ice day”. When the hospitals were overwhelmed, people stayed in the house, when they were doing snow on the streets, but when the situation decreases, their behavior returned to normal.
Shutdown reduced the burden on hospitals and Slowed the transmission Virus, buy time to produce vaccine. Study from More than one There are other countries too Is shown Were to be restricted to the orders of living in the house and the mass gatherings Highly effective Steps for Prevent transmission Viruses in communities.
“Before the vaccination of people, what people did in 2020, save millions of lives in 2020,” said Dr. Hung. “If we had nothing to do, nothing was really not doing anything, things would have been very bad.”