Saving Illinois wetlands is good for our health

As an internal medicine doctor, it is my job not only to understand how the systems in our bodies interact, but also how our environment affects these systems. Just as our bodies rely on complex networks to work more and more, the environment of Illinois depends on the wet areas and their wider environmental systems to maintain its balance and gaverning.

Wetlands play an important role in supporting human health. They help purify our water by filter pollution and sesame. They absorb more storm water, reduce flood risks that threaten homes and communities. They also provide places for entertainment, improving both physical and mental fitness.

Recently. , Wet areas should be protected for the health of human health and Illinois families.

Unfortunately, Illinois faces Growing threats Pollution on water quality harass our rivers and waterways and 2023 US Supreme Court Decision It has eliminated clean water reservations, which has just worsened things. Illinois already is Its about 90 % lost in wet areas Since becoming two centuries ago. Without the decisive action of our state leaders, the rest of our wet areas are now at greater risk of destruction.

To indicate this, Illinois have introduced lawmakers Valleylands Protection Act (HB3596/SB2401) – An important piece of legislation that will restore the protection of wet areas in our state. It is important that the Illinois legislature work quickly to pass the bill and protect these important environmental systems.

Send letters: Considering for the post, letters, your full name in the posts, your neighborhood or a hometown and a phone number should include a phone number for verification purposes. The letters should be in more than 375 words.

Access to clean water is fundamental to human health. Clean water is important to prevent hydration, hygiene, water -causing diseases and maintain multiple physical functions. Without strong reservations, contaminated water sources will be more at risk for public health.

In order to ensure the health of clean water, protect food sources, and to ensure the health of the Illinois communities, intelligent legislation is necessary. By passing this bill, we can improve the quality of water, reduce the risks of floods, and promote the health and well -being of the current and coming generations. I urge the leaders to vote and follow them Hb3596/SB2401To demonstrate the natural heritage of our state and their commitment to protect a healthy future for all.

Elijuana physicians, members, members, members, members, Holi Rosenkarz for climate proceedings

Hang it, San Dorbon

Since 1998, San Dick Dorbon has represented Illinois in the US Senate. He has been a good government employee, but is no longer in touch with his voters’ views. This proved to be by voting, with nine Democrats, including minority leader Chuck Shamar, for Donald Trump’s backed resolution.

Dorbon is 80 years old, and Shamar is 74 years old. They do not easily or skills to fight Trump and their graphors, coks and reactionary cadres. They have no indication. If you are not going to use it, what is the benefit of maintaining the file buster? Explain to the American people that you are going to fight against the destruction of our democracy, even if it means temporarily closed. We will understand. Is it surprising that Democratic Party leadership’s approval rating Is it just as disappointing as it is with their own party members?

It is best to step on one side, and make a place for a new generation who are not afraid to fight. As soon as it is better. The stake is very high.

James Jay Nooroki, the old town

Joint apology

I want to join the River Side’s Sun Times Reader Mark Score: “Canada, I’m sorry too.”

Judy Camp, Albani Park

Venice’s off -out position

I feel hilarious that Vice President JD Venus has decided that anyone protests in social security deductions. Losing an unemployed.

Steven Her, West Ridge

Hollywood Italian Americans keep on concepts of stereotypes

In the 1860s, the Honorable Union General Philip J. Sheriden allegedly said that “the only good Indian is a dead Indian.” The line has become notorious because of its clear, unprecedented racism in American history. No one will use it other than hate groups or white supremacy.

But Sheridan’s blasphemy is not really different from that of Hollywood’s clear attitude towards the Italian Americans: “Only interesting Italian is bad Italian.” Isn’t that the idea behind the new movie “Alto Nights” yet? One more Crowded moviring Italian Americans fail?

It is worth mentioning that this film is one of the few people to deal with real, real -life Italian American thugs. A according to A 2015 study by the Atlak Institute of New YorkOf the more than 500 (yes, 500!) Hollywood crowded movies have featured nine (90 %) of nine out of 10 (90 %) in the hollywood films. Nevertheless, Frank Coastlo and Vito Genoos (“Alto Nights” were played by Robert de Nero).

However, these figures are parallel to media obsession with Italian lower lives: Costlo and Genos are considered as a symbol of what goes through for “Italian culture” in the United States-in fact, they represent less than 0.0034 % of the law-breaking community.

In short, there are Italian US police officers in our cities, suburbs and small cities, which is a devilish Italian criminal. The truth!

If De Nero grieves against anti -stereotypes in the way of railing against President Donald Trump, “Alto Nights” will be replaced by “Men’s honor”. In this film, De Nero two historical, Italian American role models: New York Lieutenant, who will play the role of Petrosino, has been used today, and AP Gianni, who did for American banking, which Andrew Carnegie did for US Steel.

But the deep prejudice of Hollywood against Italian Americans and their history is an irreparable road block – even in 2025.

Bill Dal Cero, Edison Park

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